[2] yoonmin | wet dream

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Too! Yoongi
Bottom! Jimin

Summary : at some big friendgroup sleepover, jimin has a wet dream about his best friend, yoongi. After waking up and discovering yoongi's eyes on him, things get heated the way which's not really common between friends.


It's been years since jimin and yoongi became best friends. They do everything together and everyone knows how close the two boys are.

All of their friends are at yoongi's place for sleepover, or as they like to call it 'dude's night'.                 
Cringey, i know.

"Yoonie, do you know where is my phone?"  Younger asks as he starts to search for mobile everywhere in the living room.

"In my ass" older says simply
"You suck" jimin groans and continues searching.
"And you swallow"  yoongi smirks, his eyes now leaving the mobile phone to look at jimin.

"Ew! Stop flirting and Date already y'all!!" Hoseok screams and throws pillow at yoongi, who just rolles his eyes.

"Stop being dumb, duckface" he says simply
"But you two are definite-"

"We are bestfriends hoseok and we're just joking around. We aren't flirting and we won't ever date cuz we're not even gay" yoongi rolles his eyes again
"Of course" namjoon chuckles

"Hyung, were you serious about it being in your ass? Because the damn phone is NOWHERE!" Jimin screams as he throws hands in air.

"Jimin hyung, isn't your phone the one yoongi hyung  is holding?" Jungkook askes confused and tae nods hurriedly to confirm.

Jimin glances at yoongis hands and groans loudly.
"Are you serious yoongi?"
"Oh sorry, for some reason, I thought it was mine" he scratched his neck and threw mobile at jimin.

"fOr sOmE rEaSoN hE tHoUgHt" hosoek mocked " your phones are freaking same! You have same cases, same lock screens, same homescreen, same freaking parols and idk you have both of your ig, tweeter, messenger and snapcht accounts open in both phones, I'm shock, how could yoongi even mistook? JUST SHARE ONE FREAKING PHONE YOU DONT EVEN NEED TWO OF THEM"

"You are dramatic" jimin said simply and hoseok groaned.

"Guys let's just watch the film and eat the damn pizza before it gets cold huh? What you think 'bout that? " (evil laugh) jin suggested

"Yeah!! Pizza!!" tae and kook screamed together.

"Hey punk come here" yoongi petted the sit next to him and after jokingly punching his arm, jimin sat next to him.

*after 4 hours*
After couple of (yeah sure) drinks, all the boys are laying around the living room, sleeping soundly.

Namjoon is sleeping on the table, which is actually broken and it's kind of some piece of wood, sitting on the floor, but same thing.

Taehyung is sleeping on pizza boxes, jungkook hovering on top of him, both of them snoring loudly.

Jin is laying like a king on the couch, hosoek on armchair, murmuring something about glittery unicorns.

and there is second armchair. Which is occupied by  yoongi and jimin, who are kind of cuddling.
'Kind of'

After some time, yoongi sleepily sits up, glancing around the room to find his phone.

"It's 1am yet? The fuck?" Others drank a lot, that's the reason they passed away and yoongi.. Yoongi is just sleepy. Always.

Jimin opened his eyes, seeing his hyung sitting in front of him.
"Hey yoon, what are you doing?" He whispered, making older jump.

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