[17] TK|Secretly a babyboy

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Summary: jungkook gets all thirsty after having couple of drinks but happily enough, the man he met is gentleman enough to resist his own needs. But he will definitely make him repay that

This one is so big holy shit


Do you think everyone is what they show us? Everyone is exactly how we see them? Let me tell you a secret, which isn't really a secret.. the quiet ones are the crazy ones.

"Kook, come on! It won't be that bad.." jimin whines, namjoon nodding along, his big round glasses falling from his nose, getting crushed by the owner himself.

"Can you stop stepping on stuff?" Jimin groans, annoyed to be interrupted when he oh so intensely was trying to make his nerdy, gym addicted friend go to the party with them.

"Guys, I'm not a party guy, okay? I prefer staying home and playing overwatch."

"I swear i was ready to throw my bag at you if you said study, but you're safe for now. Anyways, cmon kook! You're so antisocial that even animals don't go near you!"

"what do you mean animals don't go near me? You're literally talking to me right now." Younger grins, showing off his bunny tooth.

"Yah! Disrespectful brat!" Older screams, hitting his nape.

They finally get to university campus and the maknae sighs (as soon as i wrote 's' autocorrect wrote 'sucks'.. I seriously need to stop), quickly walking down the hallway and to the classroom.

"We'll see you in couple of hours, kook!" They both scream as younger disappears in behind the door. "I'll make him come, just watch me." Jimin mutters, stomping away with small pout on his full lips.


"Where's my.. jimin." Jungkook growls, making older grin.

"You forgot honorifics."

"Where the fuck is my xbox you little piece of-"

"No swearing, kook." Namjoon chirps in.

"Oh come on, guys! I really don't want to go on that stupid party! Why are you pushing it!"

"Because you're antisocial bulky gym addict nerd who has no relations with human beings." Jimin deadpans, making younger furrow his eyebrows.

"Yeah, because you're definitely a fucking whale and namjoon is a sick orangutan." He growls, throwing a pen right at older's head.

"You know what? I don't care, if you don't come with us today and socialize, I'll make sure you never see your xbox ever in your life." Jimin growls darkly and jungkook knows when to stop.

Because angry jimin is scary jimin. Like.. really scary jimin.

"Okay, whatever nerds, let's go." He groans, picking up some black tshirt and throwing it on.

Both older cheers with gratification, not believing their ears. They did it, they made the most boring and quiet human being agree on going to the party.


"Um.. it was a bad idea.." jimin whispers as he and joon stare at their maknae dancing on the dance floor with some girl, with a cup of alcohol still in his hand.

He of course, tried to contain himself and be responsible and calm. Once the three pulled up in this huge house, they all stayed together, talking about stupid things and laughing uncontrollably. Jungkook even had to reject some strangers, as it seems like he had gained quiet a lot of admirers because of his amazing features, casual style and fit body.

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