thirty three

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So, Red, Red is hot. I like Red. They aren't someone that I'm in love with. Not yet at least. But they're hot, I'll describe them here because if they find out then whatever. They're agender though born female. They had top surgery already and they present as more male. They wear lots of shorts and tanktops. They work out a lot so their arms are muscular. They have short brown hair, a little longer on the top than on the sides. The sides are buzzed. They have a baby face and it's fucking adorable. Their body is beautiful. I love the tattoo on their chest and the scars that I know are there. I love their laugh and all of the jokes that we share. Duck choirs and god's spaghetti. Smoking weed with their teacher and cussing like a sailor. I like them. I don't want to say love, not yet. But I care about them oh so much. I haven't met their girlfriend but they love her. Kate is her name. But Red won't get out of my head. Their leather jacket and their tattoo and their arms. Muscular and attractive. They stir something inside of me constantly. A flame that I can put out but it comes back an hour later. I like them and I'm attracted to them. No doubt about it.


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