Chapter 2

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Still don't own Marvel.
In regards to the Spider-Man suit. I think Peter would have updated the suit because he realised the homemade one a) wasn't practical and b) didn't look very cool but if any of you want to picture Peter fighting the avengers in pyjamas, why not?



Present Time:

Peter woke with a jolt his breathing fast and deep. Another nightmare it had been 3 months since he had met and escaped The Avengers. 3 months since Spider-Man had disappeared. 3 months since Aunt May had died.


Peter was walking towards his apartment after a successful day, he had stopped a bicycle robbery, bank robbery, three muggings and rescued a cat from a tree for a little girl. Not to mention he had escaped the avengers even though it was mostly luck, he was pleased with himself.

As he turned the corner his heart dropped, it was beating faster than possible. There were cop cars outside the building, his building. Peter hadn't even realised but his legs were moving he was running fast as he could up the stairs and to his apartment.

There was yellow tape across the door and when Peter tried to get through he was stopped. "You can't go in there it's a crime scene" the cop said hard and uncaring. 'Did he not realise Peter Parker's world was caving in.' "I live here" Peter replied. The man's attitude quickly changed "I'm sorry but your apartment was robbed and your..." he paused waiting for an answer. "Aunt" Peter replied. "Your aunt walked in during the robbery and they shot her. She didn't make it. I'm sorry for your loss" the cop finished. "No" Peter cried "Not May. I should have stopped it." Tears were falling rapidly down his face. "There was nothing you could have done, is there anyone you can stay with" "No, she was all I had left" "That's ok, we have someone you'll have to talk to."

The woman arrived a little while later. "Hi, Peter right?" Peter nodded. "I'm Angelina, I'm here to help I hear you have no where to go. I know a very nice woman near here her name is Mrs. Davis and she'll be taking you in. When the police finish up here you can come back for clothes and things but your aunts possessions and money will be kept until you are 18."

*End if Flashback*

That's how Peter ended up here. Mrs. Davis was nice but she was no Aunt May, for one she could actually follow a recipe. The thought of burnt turkey casserole made Peter smile sadly. His train of thought was interrupted by Henry's voice (one of the other kids that stayed there)"You ok Pete" he whispered in the dark room. "Yeah I'm fine." Henry was a nice guy, he was almost 18 just about to graduate. He wasn't in Peter's school he went to a public school and was one of the popular guys. Henry had kind brown eyes with a wrinkle from his smile, he was probably twice the size of Peter and was on the football team. Who would have thought Peter the nerd friends with a jock.

After sleeping the rest of the night Peter woke up with the sun peeking through the curtains. He made his way down to the kitchen, the table was almost full. Mrs. Davis was sitting at the top her blonde hair sticking up in various directions, her husband had left for work. Also at the table was Alice a younger girl (8) who Peter had a special fondness for probably because of the time he remembered saving her cat from a tree. Michael was the same age as Alice but was Mrs. Davis biological son which anyone could guess looking at the young boy because he was an exact copy of his mother with matching blond hair also sticking in various directions.

Peter was walking towards his school entrance and stopped leaving out a sigh. It wasn't that Peter didn't enjoy learning, he loved taking in new and interesting pieces of information but school was information he had no interest in taking in minus a few classes of course. "You won't learn anything out here Mr. Parker" said Mr. Lewis his Physics teacher passing into the school entrance. With that Peter made his move.

School had been the same as always, he paid attention, chatted with Ned and got a 100 on his chem test. Currently Peter was walking the streets with Ned. "So how's Mrs. Davis' house of happiness" Ned said as they entered the most wonderful sandwich shop in queens. "It's fine, I guess" shrugged Peter. "If you ever wanna talk you can" Ned said like he often had these past months. What could Peter say 'actually Ned I'm having a tough time because when I was 14 I was bit by a radioactive spider, which then led to my uncle being shot because I was too selfish to stop a robber. That's not all though I then became Spider-Man which was fun for a while until Gwen found out and became determined to help and that got her killed but at least I got The Green Goblin. So I quit but then this Vulture guy was using alien tech to build weapons and tried to steal Tony Stark's stuff which I stopped but did Spider-Man get any thanks from Iron Man noooooo instead a few months later he tried to capture me along with the other avengers. I escaped from them and came home to find my aunt dead. So I realised Spider-Man is too much trouble, the majority of the public don't even like him and these powers just get people killed. Other than that I'm great though absolutely peachy.' Peter however didn't say any of this and instead settled for "I know dude."

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