Chapter 10

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One more chapter to go!!!! If any of you like fantasy stories i'm currently writing one if you wanna check it out. Thanks for reading and supporting! It makes me so happy.

It was dark, one of his hands were cuffed to a bar on the wall. Peter could feel water trickling down the side of his face, he raised a hand to his hairline and it came away red. Not water then. That would explain the rusty smell and pounding headache.
"Haven't you learned anything from movies, you kill 'em before they wake up. Rookie mistake but I'll forgive you this one time." Peter croaked out.
"Took you long enough to wake up. I thought I had killed you." The Goblin replied. "I don't think I have to worry about you, you seem a little stuck."
"Oh woe is me, I wish a handsome prince would come and save me." Peter lay dramatically.
"Plus I have these." The Goblin smiled pointing at Peter's webshooters.
Peter's smile faded and he instinctively patted his pockets in disbelief.
"You're a smart kid, Peter and I admired your desire to make your own way in this world, I respected you for that. You were like the child I always wanted as Spider-Man or even as Peter Parker."
"You have a son, his name's Harry or have you forgotten that?"
"Him? I'd hardly call him a good son. Think of all you could of had, what you wouldn't have lost if you weren't so stubborn."
"I may be hated by half of New York but I've made a difference, I've helped people and it's been difficult but at least I have a clear conscience."
"Hold that thought." The Green Goblin replied as he left the room.
"Seriously!" Peter shouted after him. "You're just leaving me here."

Peter sat there trying to break the cuff and reach his webshooters but failing miserably. He soon decided it was probably a weird mind game, he could see his shooters but they were just out of his reach. He continued tugging at the metal handcuff around his wrist, he's Spider-Man goddamn it, why couldn't he break a stupid handcuff. It felt pointless, since when had he become so weak. Sure he was still a bit rusty from his months of not being Spidey but he couldn't be this bad. How was it possible that Spider-Man, the lone wolf had all of a sudden become reliant on the Avengers to save him.

When The Green Goblin returned Peter was staring at the ceiling.
"And to think I gave you a good ten minutes to escape. How disappointing."
Peter glared at him.
"What were we talking about? Oh you have a sparkling conscience." The Goblin smirked. "That isn't true though is it?"
"What do you mean?" Peter replied through gritted teeth.
"Your poor uncle, what was his name? Ah, Ben! Dear old Ben was shot on the streets around the time Spider-Man appeared. Right? I also read news that your lovely Aunt May died recently. Looks like you have a habit of not being able to save the ones you love."
"Shut your mouth!" Peter shouted pulling against the cuff.
"Looks like I've struck a nerve, still believe you have a sparkling conscience? Or do we have to talk about that lovely girlfriend of yours, Gwen."
"Shut up!" Peter cried.
Norman got right in front of Peter's face before speaking, "I might have dropped her but it was you who killed her. You think a boy as smart as you, would understand that catching her like that would cause some.. uh.. permanent damage. How pathetic?"

Peter's face felt hot, his heart felt like it was beating a million miles an hour, he had never felt this angry.
"Shut. Your. Mouth." Peter demanded
"Fine!" The Goblin stood and walked away. "Let's not focus on the past but on the future instead. More importantly what I'll do when I'm done with you. So many of your friends that I'll have fun killing, maybe just maybe I'll keep you alive long enough to watch them die. All your Avenger buddies, Gwen's friend, Michelle, right? What about the other nerd you and Harry were friends with, Ned. Oh and that new friend of yours, Emma you seem to be getting really friendly."

Peter heard a crunch and saw the Tardis cookie jar that Emma got him for his birthday as well as the contents of his backpack across a table.
"These are good, I wonder if she bought them or baked them?" The Goblin said between bites. "Anyway what would be the best way to kill your friends since you don't have any family I better make it hurt."
"Don't you dare touch them!" Peter shouted.
"Because I'm going to listen to a child attached to a wall. I'm going to kill them slowly and painfully and I'll make sure you know every single little detail."
Peter felt a surge of fury and pulled against the cuff, ripping the bar off the wall, he ran at The Goblin and swung the bar into his side.
The Green Goblin turned to Peter with a terrifying smirk.
"Now it's getting interesting."

The Goblin lay unconscious on the floor beside the wall, Peter stood over him breathing heavily, his body ached and he was bleeding from more than one wound. The metal handcuff was still tight on his wrist and the bar hung from the cuff. Peter used his webshooter and webbed the Green Goblin to the wall, he went to the contents of his backpack and searched for his phone. Fourteen missed calls from Mrs. Davis and texts from his friends. Peter quickly stuffed his suit, wallet, keys and birthday presents into his backpack, he paused with the Tardis cookie jar and felt his stomach rumble so he took one out and began to snack on it as he grabbed the rest of his stuff. Just as he had finished packing the door came crashing down and the Avengers came rushing in, looking ready for a fight. They looked around bewildered before spotting the Goblin in the corner and then they saw Peter with his backpack on and cookie in his hand.
"Took you long enough, I need a ride a home." Peter joked while continuing to eat his cookie.
The Avengers just rolled their eyes.

I did a sneaky little time jump to avoid writing a fight scene cause I'm really bad at them. If you really want me to write the fight scene, I'll try but I think I'd prefer a time jump than a poorly written scene. Also I hope this doesn't disappoint any of you cause I saw a lot of comments about Tony's dad mode being activated so I think many of you wanted/thought Tony would save Peter. I love IronDad but I don't like when people erase Peter's strength so I didn't want Peter to be a "damsel" in distress and be completely helpless.
Thanks for reading! Final chapter coming soon!!

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