Chapter 6

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Thanks everyone who read and supported this story so far. There's probably 5 more chapters. This is the longest chapter yet at 2.1k. I still don't own Marvel ahhhh.

Peter returned to the lab after helping out at the cafe and failing at his mission to get food. He didn't know what had come over him, he just heard the voice and panicked. He had met Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Captain America and The Winter Soldier in one day and his mind was about explode. He couldn't deal with this stress, what if they realised he is...was Spider-Man? Peter continued to work for the day, BB-8 won best robot so the teams were now tied. Emma constantly tried to make friendly chat with Peter but gave up after only receiving one word answers.

It was later that day when people were heading home or where they were staying. Peter quickly grabbed his things the sooner he got out the better. He ran out of the door but Emma followed him.
"Peter! Peter, wait for me"
Peter turned to her and snapped "What?"
Emma looked hurt at his tone. "What is with you? You've been acting strange since after lunch, I'm just trying to be nice to you."
"I know but you wouldn't understand."
"I could try."
"Just leave me alone to figure it out."
"Fine" she growled "I was trying to be a friend but you're obviously not interested." Emma turned and ran towards the exit, Peter tried to call after her but his attempts went unanswered.
"Damn it!" Peter whispered to his shoes. He continued walking when his path was blocked by Tony Stark (who else would it be?)

Tony lasted around five minutes before changing his mind. He needed to talk to the kid again, he needed this feeling of guilt to be gone. So what if he promised to leave it alone he couldn't, some might call him nosy for it but Tony preferred Scientific Curiosity. "FRIDAY bring up footage from lab 46" The live feed began playing on the screen so Tony watched the kid as he fumbled and dropped things and was to put it nicely a complete mess. Tony waited until one of the instructors gave the order to pack up before he ran to his elevator and found himself hiding behind the reception desk waiting for the kid. Peter was talking to someone before she stormed off and Tony swaggered towards the boy.
"Mr. Stark!" Peter exclaimed trying to sound excited but came out sounding very sarcastic.
"Hey kid, I was wondering if you wanted to chat."
"Is that the time I have to go?" Peter moved past Tony to leave but felt him grip his shoulder and turn him around.
"Not so fast, come with me." Peter followed the billionaire to an elevator he hadn't used before.

They stood in an awkward silence as the elevator slowly moved up. Peter finally broke the silence "where are we going?"
"It's a surprise" the doors dinged open to a large open space with couches filled with people, not just any people The Avengers: Captain America, Bruce Banner, The Winter Soldier, Black Widow. The rest were not in the room but Peter wondered were they somewhere in the building or on a cool mission. "Where were you Toooo... Why is there a kid here?" Natasha Romanoff questioned while looking Peter up and down. "He's here to have a chat with me." Tony replied
"Tony we said WE would talk about it later" the super soldier whispered in Tony's ear but Peter's enhanced hearing picked up on it.
"Talk about what?" Peter asked.
"None of your concern." The captain replied.
"Actually" interrupted Tony "we were wondering why you were acting so weird around us?"
"I was not acting weird." Peter defended.
"No offence kid but running off without warning is weird behaviour." The metal arm dude replied.
"Why don't you sit down?" Tony offered.

After friendly enough introductions the topic of Peter being strange was brought up again. Tony started "I think I know why you don't like us or trust us or something."
Peter's heart stopped before he took a shaky breath "Why?"
"So I might have done a little background check into you past an-"
"Wait you did what! Why would you do that? That stuff is none of your business!" Peter interrupted his heart beating fast not with fear though, with anger. Peter got up and turned to leave but Tony stopped him "Just listen for a couple of minutes" Tony pleaded before adding "pwease"
"Make it quick"
Tony told Peter all about his theory that Peter blamed the avengers for not stopping any of the tragedies in his life or stopping the Green Goblin. Peter didn't have a better reason so he simply agreed. He didn't know exactly what happened next but he somehow wound up on the floor eating pizza and watch Star Wars with The Avengers. Turns out the avengers are really convincing people.

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