Chapter 4

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1.Sorry for taking so long.
2. This is the most I've written for a chapter it's over 1.5k words.
3. I have terrible grammar but don't be afraid to tell me so I can learn.
4. Enjoooooy!!

Peter took a deep breath in, nothing bad would happen. The sun was reflecting off the tower it looked beautiful, inviting. Peter accepted the building's invitation and walked through the main doors. The room was busy, people in fancy clothes with briefcases. Peter searched for where he was supposed to go, the main desk was busy, Peter's heart began to go twice as fast as normal, what if he was late? What if they left without him? Oh god this was a disaster, but before he had a complete meltdown he spotted a girl. She was around his age, jet black hair with grey dye at the ends. She was staring up at the glass ceiling, listening to her headphones. Hoping she was one of the ten, Peter moved through the crowd to get near her.

"Hi" he almost shouted as he approached. There was no reply so he tapped her arm which gained her attention. "Hi" he repeated. She pulled the headphones out of her ears and smiled at him. "Hey, wouldn't want to wear a skirt without underwear" she said looking up. What an odd thing to say to someone you just met. Peter thought. In response he looked up at the ceiling/ ground of next floor, you could see people's feet move quickly across the glass. Snapping back to reality he turned to her "are you here for the internship?" Peter hoped the answer was yes. "Yep, see that desk over there" she pointed "get your badge off there. There's only two more left to come" she continued and pointed out the people who were there for the internship.

It was another ten minutes before a tall  woman appeared and gathered the teens up. In that ten minutes Peter continued to talk to the black haired girl, which he discovered her name was Emma. When the group had been gathered the woman spoke, "I'm Dr. Lewis, I'm in charge of you. Don't talk out of turn, touch anything that you're not meant to or disobey my orders." She said her dark blue eyes looking into each of their souls. "Is everyone here?" There was a chorus of "yeah" and "yes" before they group headed to security.

Security took ages to get through. They were introduced to the head of security named Happy Hogan, who was anything but Happy. They had to answer various security questions, provide photo ID, show their acceptance letters and get a photo taken for their security badge. Could anyone take a good ID photo? Peter couldn't he looked like those sad pictures of scared puppies that you see online. Emma who obviously wasn't human, could take a good photo. In her photo she wore a big smile, clearly showing her joy of being there.

The group of ten got an official tour of the whole building excluding the avengers floors. Peter was in paradise, he never could have imagined this in his wildest dreams. He saw the public labs, private labs, Stark Industries exhibit and The Avengers exhibit. Seeing the inventions of Howard Stark and Tony Stark made Peter feel a childish joy he hadn't felt since he was swinging from building to building.

The final stop on the tour was their "home" for the next couple of months. The strong lights made his head buzz but he soon adjusted. It was a huge lab, really really huge. It had to be to fit ten eager teens plus supervisors, it had twelve workbenches: one for each teen and two supervisors, they were grouped in two groups of six. "Pick a workbench and stick with it." One of the scientist that would be teaching them said. People scrambled to a place. Thankfully Peter was able to get a table beside Emma.

Once seated they were asked to introduce themselves, across from Peter was Ethan, across from Emma was Haddy, also at their table was Dan. Seated in the other group were Sara, Denise, Evan, Jack and Liam. This was it, these were some of the brightest minds in America and Peter was one of them.
Weeks had passed, Peter had gotten used to the routine of it all. In the weeks since he started the internship Henry had turned 18 and moved out but made Peter promise to visit, Peter would make sure he didn't break that promise. It was lonelier in the house without Henry to keep him up talking all night but in those weeks he had gained friendships with his table of benches.

There was some competition between the two groups. Who answered more questions correctly, who built cooler things and who got the most praise. Through this not so friendly competition he learned never to get in a competition with Emma because she will destroy you, everyone else was pretty chill about the competition but the other groups constant trash talk was a big motivator.

Peter arrived at the tower early and as if on autopilot went to the lab. It was the last day for them to finish making their current project, a robot. Emma's was a home help device that she had finished the day before. The team were relying on Peter to win the best robot prize which was an extremely large chocolate bar and gain points to tie them with the other group. Peter's robot was a replica of BB-8which Ned was thoroughly impressed by, he just had to finish the coding and hope it worked.

"Hey, Pete"said Emma rolling her seat towards him.
"Hey Em"
"How's the robot coming, we need these points and yours is certainly the most promising."
"Thanks, no pressure I guess."
"I would never!" she laughed
"I think we're done" Peter breathed a sigh of relief. "Only one thing left to do see if it works"
Peter placed BB-8 on the floor and turned the computer monitor towards his and Emma. "Turn the camera on" Emma instructed.
"I know, we need to see where it's going"
"Sorry, I'm excited"
Peter turned the camera on and the feed came up on the screen. He brought up the control panel and typed in the command to start. BB-8 beeped and it head rolled around, that's a good sign. Using the controls Peter began to make it move. It was working, it was WORKING! Peter was getting used to the controls and accidentally guided the robot out of the lab. Peter tried guiding it back but pressed the wrong button and the robot began moving on its own.
"Uh oh, robot gone rogue " Peter panicked. "Reboot. Why isn't it rebooting? I think it need to be plugged in to reboot."
"What do you mean you think? It's your creation!" Emma said clearly panicking too.
"It's ok, I'll go and get it" Peter said before racing out of the lab.
Tony Stark was just coming from an avengers meeting. Hydra are planning something blah blah blah. Figure it out blah blah blah. Now he was going to another meeting yay, this time it was a Stark Industries meeting about this seasons latest inventions which he had to approve. Tony was not in the mood for this at all and so he was taking his sweet time walking and taking every detour he could but unfortunately he got places quick because people moved like he was royalty.

He was twenty minutes late to his meeting and had been getting angry messages from Pepper for ten. Satisfied that he could make a dramatic entrance, he turned only to be bumped into by a.. was that a replica of BB-8 with it's owner trailing behind. The young boy slid on his knees and grabbed the droid before looking up. Tony never got used to getting looked at like that. Like someone's hero, it made him so happy not that he would admit it. There was something different about this kid there was also a lot of fear, more fear than usual. "Oh. My. God. You.. you.. you're Tony Stark." The boy stuttered. "I'm a big fan"
"Nice to meet you big fan. Is this your droid?"
"Yeah, sorry" he said suddenly very interested in his shoes.
"It's ok but why are you in my tower?"
"I'm part of the internship program"
"Oh that makes sense. Have fun kid, looks like you could have a future in robotics"
"Thank you Mr Stark, sir"
"What's your name?"
"Peter. Peter Parker"
"Nice to meet you Peter. Good luck with the internship." He said before turning and walking towards the elevator to attend his meeting. The kid seemed familiar, did he know him from somewhere? He pushed it to the back of his mind and continued on his path.
It was in a dark cell, he could hear the running and screams outside. The cell was opened and a cop walked in. "Dr Osborn or should I call you Green Goblin. We believe you could be of use to us"
"Whose We" Norman replied.
"Hydra" the stranger answered. "We require your assistance in bringing down the avengers"
"Are you in or will I leave you to rot?"
"I'm in but Spider-Man is mine"
"Spider-Man hasn't been seen in around 4 months"
"He'll be back and when he is I'll squash him" The goblin smirked, it was a terrible smirk.
Note: Norman Osborn didn't die he went to prison and Harry was friends with Ned and Peter but moved away after his father was arrested. Green Goblin was the one who killed Gwen but he doesn't know that Peter is Spider-Man he just saw the two of them swinging around one time and decided to take her hostage. Peter took a break but after Avengers disbanded(civil war minus Peter) criminals took advantage of it so Peter continued being Spider-Man. Most of homecoming is the same just take out the ferry incident and all other Tony bits. He still saved Tony's plane even though he hadn't met Tony. Peter made a better suit so he wasn't in pyjamas and continued fighting crime. The avengers got back together because they realised the accords were stupid and Hydra was resurfacing and that's what happened before the story begins. Just in case anyone was confused about the timeline.

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