Chapter 8

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Sorry it's been a little while since I posted. There's three chapters left if all goes to plan. The next one will be short so it should be up quick enough. Thanks to everyone who's read this story.
A month had passed since Spider-Man returned and it was as if he'd never left. Many of the New Yorkers had celebrated his return while others including The Daily Bugle had returned to their old habits not that Peter really cared. Life was great, Peter was helping people again but not at the cost of his normal life, he was doing great at the internship which his team was winning, something that made Em ecstatic, he had been spending some of the weekends with Ned and MJ as well as more time with Emma, he had visited Henry a couple of times and most importantly he had somehow become friends with THE AVENGERS. Peter often found himself heading up to hang with them after the internship was over. The only thing that was wrong with his current situation was that nobody had seen or heard from The Green Goblin since Spider-Man's return which was slightly concerning to Peter.

Peter had already stopped some thefts on this fine morning and was now running up the stairs to the lab where Em was waiting, always the first there and last to leave.
"Hey Em!"
"Good morning Peter or should I say Birthday Boy?" After this comment, Emma promptly burst into a chorus of Happy Birthday which she sang as loud as she could. Her singsong ended and she pulled out a bag that had Happy Birthday repeated over and over again on it.
"Thanks Em, you didn't have to get me something."
"I know, that's what makes me so nice." She waited a moment before adding, "Open it!"
Peter had already received Tetris lamp, Star Wars pyjamas and lots of chocolate as a group gift from MJ and Ned. Peter opened the bag and took out the first present which he unwrapped, it was a t-shirt with Tony Stark's face that read "#1 FAN"
Peter glared at Emma and gave her a playful nudge. "Haha you're so funny." Peter continued to unwrap his gifts the next one was a Tardis cookie jar that was filled to the brim with chocolate chip cookies and lastly there was a small photo album filled with pictures from the internship and group shots of him, MJ, Ned and a couple other photos including some with Harry Osborn.
As if reading his thoughts she said "Ned and MJ helped me with some of the photos."
"Thanks Em, I love it. It's awesome."

That day at the internship went great. All ten of them went to lunch where MJ and Ned joined them. They had a nice meal, followed by some birthday cake which was delicious and lastly before leaving to head back to the lab they asked their waiter to take a group photo which Peter had decided would go in his new photo album.

Once the day was over Peter noticed a text from Mr Stark telling him to come upstairs and so he did. Peter arrived and the Avengers shouted "Happy Birthday!"
"How did you... never mind. Background check."
Tony Stark strolled over and put a hand on his shoulder "Happy Birthday kid."
"Thank you Mr Stark."
He moved over to the living area where there was Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, Bruce and Sam. The only ones missing were Wanda who Peter was friendly enough with, Vision who creeped Peter out slightly, Rhodey who was always busy and Thor who much to Peter's disappointment hasn't been to Earth for awhile. Peter opened presents which were mostly DVDs, books and food before the group had some pizza and played a movie.

It was over an hour later when they heard the elevator.
"FRIDAY you're meant to announce guests." Tony scolded. Silence.
"FRIDAY?" He repeated.
The elevator dinged and men started to pour out of the elevator, dressed in black and with guns. Peter looked to his backpack. His suit, he had webshooters on, he just needed his mask. Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint and Sam had pulled out weapons from hidden locations. Tony was tapping on his phone, trying to reboot FRIDAY to get his suit and Bruce was doing some deep breathing.
"I can't get my suits!" Tony muttered.
"Get Peter and Bruce out of here." Steve ordered. That's when Peter's sense tingled and he shouted "Get down!" That's when the shots began. Peter could hear the bullets bounce off Cap's Shield as he made his way toward the men. Peter started to crawl towards his bag but was grabbed by Tony and pulled towards a secret exit. Peter webbed his bag and pulled it towards him. He glanced up to see the commotion, it was not going well for the Avengers, they were outnumbered 6:1 and Tony was still trying to get his suit. Peter knew that he needed to help, he stopped and opened his bag, grabbed his mask and pulled it on before sending a web at the roof and jumping up. He looked back to Tony Stark and Bruce Banner whose eyes were wide in shock.

"Why did I do that? Why did I do that?" Peter whispered to himself before joining the fight. Punches being thrown and shots being fired. "Yoink!" Peter grabbed one of the guns and threw it across the room to Tony. Cap then knocked the agent out. The tides were turning when the window crashed and Green Goblin came threw.
"You have got to be kidding me!" Peter called out.
"Spider-Man!" The Goblin snarled and released something from his glider which Peter webbed before it blew up- A Pumpkin Bomb.
"Need to work on your aim, old man." Peter quipped.
"Made you look."
Peter's sense tingled and he jumped to avoid the incoming bullets. "That was a good one! You almost got me."

After many more minutes of repetitive fighting, Peter was tiring he only had to hold him for a little while longer until the Avengers finished fighting the ten remaining Hydra agents or Mr Stark got FRIDAY online. That's when The Goblin changed tactics and aimed a Pumpkin bomb at the Avengers. It happened so fast, Peter couldn't stop it he shouted a warning but it was too late, it exploded and down went Bucky. Hard. Peter webbed the ceiling and swung full force at The Green Goblin, knocking him off balance long enough to rush to Bucky.

There was a lot of blood but he was breathing. That's good.
"Is he alive" a voice said above him.
Peter looked up to see Steve knock out another agent while looking down at Peter or Bucky. Maybe both.
"He's breathing." Peter responded. "He's losing lots of blood. It hit him from behind, I'm not sure did it hit his head. I can do some web-bandages for now but we need to get him out, I don't want to move him incase there's a spinal injury."
"Do what you can. This will only take a little bit longer." Steve ordered while knocking another agent out.
Peter webbed up his back as the Avengers finished with the agents and turned to The Green Goblin. Five against one weren't great odds. A voice sounded through the living room.
"Reboot complete." FRIDAY informed. "A suit is on its way."
Six against one were even worse odds but in a desperate final attempt to do some more damage before it was all over he shot another Pumpkin Bomb, this time aimed at Mr Stark. If it could do that much damage to Bucky who was a super soldier what would it do to Tony who wasn't even in a suit yet. Without hesitation Peter webbed the ceiling and swung towards Tony and he shot another web which attached onto Tony's shoulder and Peter pulled Tony out of the way just as the bomb exploded sending Peter rolling across the room.
He heard Tony and the others shouting "Peter!" and "kid!"
The world was spinning and the next thing he saw was the red and gold of Tony's suit, he heard a repulsor blast before darkness enveloped him.

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