Chapter 9

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Sorry this took longer than I thought it would but I went away with my family for two days and then I was sick another day. If anyone can give me advice on writing fight scenes please message me. There's only TWO chapters left!! I hope you ENJOY!!!!!

It was a couple hours later when Peter finally woke up. There was an ache traveling through his entire body. He heard beeping which made his head pound, enhanced senses and all. When he finally built up the courage to open his eyes, he was met by bright lights soon followed by Tony Stark's angry face and the other Avengers minus Bucky who was in the bed across from him but don't worry even unconscious it looked as if he was also scowling at Peter.
"Hey Peter or should I say Spider-Man?" Tony remarked in a tone of voice that made Peter gulp like a cartoon character, he hadn't heard that tone in a long time at least not since Aunt May or even before that because let's face it, Peter was a goodie two shoes. Peter opened his mouth to speak but was shushed by Tony. He tried again but was shushed again before Mr. Stark spoke, "What were you doing!" Peter paused before Mr Stark waved a hand at him.
"Speak." Tony ordered.
"What do you want to know?" Peter whispered.

Peter spent the next hour (including a break where Bucky woke and they fussed over him before returning to Peter) telling the Avengers every detail of what had happened in the past years. Every single detail from how he got the powers to Norman Osborn to The Vulture to Aunt May. When he finished speaking the Avengers sat quietly in thought.

It wasn't long before Tony once again opened his mouth.
"How could you be so irresponsible?" He said with a raised voice.
Peter could feel his anger course through him. "Irresponsible! How was I being irresponsible?"
"Being Spider-Man, putting yourself in dangerous situations, jumping in front of a FREAKING bomb!"
"Did you think Spider-Man was irresponsible before you knew it was me?
There was no answer from Tony or no words from the others either.
"That's what I thought." Peter said climbing out of bed, a pain traveled through his back.
"Where are you going?" Steve asked.
"Home." Peter replied.
Tony stood in front of him.
"You're not going anywhere yet. We have to talk about this."
"I think you've said enough, Mr Stark."
"I'm not done! You're too young, you're a kid, there's people who handle this stuff."
"Who handles this stuff cause it sure as hell wasn't you, where were you
when The Green Goblin first appeared or what about The Vulture? Oh wait, you were ignoring each other like a bunch of bratty kids."
"Don't speak to m-" Tony started.
"I wasn't finished. With all due respect Mr Stark." Peter spat, "who cares how old I am? There are people out there without powers, younger than me or older than me who also jump in front of buses or bombs or whatever, hoping they'll be able to help someone. Just like there's people older and younger than me who are out on the streets, getting mugged and killed or worse and I can help them. There's people out there who are willing to sacrifice themselves for complete strangers because they know it's the right thing to do. I have the power to help so I'm taking the responsibility." Peter hadn't noticed the tears streaming down his face, he reached up and wiped his face but the tears continued falling.

Tony didn't know why or how but next thing he knew he had his arms wrapped around Peter as the kid cried into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Peter whispered.
"None of this is your fault Peter. You saved my life."
"It it's just I.. I saw what happened when Bucky was hit and he's a super soldier and no offence but you're not."
"Thanks kid. Just cause I was out partying as a teen doesn't mean another kid will actually want to help people. I know I can't stop you, you've made that perfectly clear but I'm gonna make you a much better suit."

Peter spent more time answering the Avengers questions which they promised that they wouldn't tell SHIELD. He was asked about the webshooters which he felt an overwhelming sense of pride when Tony and Bruce complimented them, they also asked for the formula but Peter refused to share. It was getting late and so Peter got up to go to the living area to find his stuff.

After Peter left it was Cap who spoke "What are we going to do?" He asked.
"About what?" Tony questioned.
"Well we can't tell SHIELD cause it's Peter but what if we're asked to track him down again, Fury isn't stupid he'll realise that we're not going after him."
"Shit! I don't know. Nat?" Tony ran his hands through his hair.
"Leave it to me. Don't worry I'm not going to spill Peter's identity." Natasha replied freakishly calm.
"Thanks, we should go wave the kid off. Talk about a disastrous birthday party." Tony said walking out with the Avengers following behind.

Tony halted in the doorway. The Green Goblin had a squirming Peter in his hold.
"You should work on your security. Only took a few minutes to break out and I just had to wait for my dear friend Peter. You should also watch what you shout when people go flying across rooms, Peter, of course I didn't know it was little Peter Parker but then I saw him walk in here and I couldn't believe it but it all made sense and it seems Peter has the same injuries as Spider-Man." The Goblin poked Peter's back which made Peter flinch. "How many times had Spider-Man been in my house, how many times had this nerdy kid been hanging out with my kid and I never knew that it was Spider-Man under my nose."
"Let him go." Tony pleaded. "You could have any of the Avengers. Just leave the kid go."
"You mightn't know this but Spidey and I have a bit of a history. I was never interested in killing the Avengers I just wanted my freedom and to kill Spider-Man and I'm not giving up the chance to finally get my revenge. I hope you understand." The Green Goblin grabbed Peter's head and smashed it on the table and left on his glider with an unconscious Peter over his shoulder.

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