Chapter 7

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Thanks to everyone who's has read and supported this story. It means so much to and makes me feel all fuzzy inside. This is a shorter chapter but I only uploaded two days ago(look at me being productive). Warning that there's some language from Tony. I still don't own Marvel so stop asking. I'm also working on a one-shot about the avengers returning after homecoming and Peter being all left out because INFINITY WAR NEVER HAPPENED!
It was a week later and Peter still walked around with his suit in his backpack but he couldn't bring himself to actually wear the suit. It was a Saturday and he was walking the streets with Ned, Emma and Michelle. "So how's the internship Peter?" Michelle asked.
"It's going pretty good." Peter answered.
"We're currently winning." Emma interrupted.
"So you met each other at the internship?" Michelle inquired.
"Yeah I'm sorry for being a bother, I'm still not used to the city and Peter said you wouldn't mind if I tagged along." Emma replied.
"It's alright it's been awhile since I've had a female friend. Most girls in school are just interested in boys." Michelle said sadly.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Emma responded.

The group continued on their walk until they heard the sound of sirens getting closer followed by the actual sight of cop cars racing past.
"What's going on?" Peter wondered.
"From what I see online... The Green Goblin has tried to rob another bank, number 10, he has ten hostages and the cops are surrounding him." Ned said tapping on his phone.
"Seriously?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, looks like they've called the avengers." Ned responded and the group began to walk again but Peter didn't know what it was but something was off. Peter knew Norman Osborn, he wasn't an idiot, he hadn't been caught yet, he'd barely stolen anything from the previous banks and he'd never kept hostages. It didn't fit. The others had turned to him but Peter ignored them.Peter thought back to fighting The Goblin, Peter thought back to hearing about his return in the avengers living room, Eyepatch had mentioned Hydra, they were bad guys from World War II who were now focused on destroying The Avengers Steve had told him, someone had broken Mr.Osborn out. It didn't make sense but then it clicked. "It's a trap!" Peter exclaimed.
"What?" The other three said.
"Nothing, I have to go Mrs.Davis is having a movie afternoon I forgot about, she'll kill me if I'm late. Make sure Em finds her way back alright."
Peter began running the same direction the cop cars went ignoring his friends shouts.

Peter arrived at the crowded scene a couple minutes later and pushed his way through the crowd to the barrier. There was no sign of The Avengers yet so Peter looked around. His spidey-sense was tingling slightly and he heard the Iron Man suit nearing the scene. The Avengers arrived and Peter tried to get Steve, Bucky, Natasha or Tony to notice him, Hawkeye was also there but Peter had never met him before. Finally Tony noticed him and sauntered over to the barrier.
"Mr. Stark thank goodness it's-"
"Going to be ok" Tony interrupted "I get you'd have a lot of anxiety over this but we've got it under control. We don't even need the big guy."
"I know but-" Peter tried again.
"Listen kid you should get out of here, don't want it bringing up bad memories. I've gotta go." Tony said and flew back over to Cap who was speaking to one of the cops.
"But it's a trap." Peter whispered to the space where Iron Man had stood. Panic began setting in, he didn't know what to do, this was bad, oh this was really bad. The Avengers are about to get taken out but they're THE Avengers they'll be fine, right? Peter pushed back through the crowd and to the nearest alley. Where he hid behind a dumpster and began to strip and pull on the suit which he had carried like a heavy weight for a week and couldn't bring himself to wear but here he was. He was dressed except the mask which he held in his hands, he took a breath and repeated to himself "with great power comes great responsibility." It was then that Peter heard an explosion from the bank and no longer hesitated about what he was doing and pulled on the mask.
Tony Stark coughed at the dust which had risen when the whole ceiling above the group exploded and fell on them. Shit it had been a trap. Fuck his back hurt. "Everyone alright?" He croaked into the comms. He heard a cough before Natasha spoke. "Great, apart from the pile of the ceiling on my body." Natasha remarked.
"Sarcasm isn't going to help you now, Agent." A voice mocked. The Green Goblin hovered there over The Avengers. "It's sad that two of the greatest minds alive couldn't figure out that it was a trap. I knew you'd be put on the case so I chose banks it was easy enough to arrange. Didn't you wonder why I never stole a fortune or took hostages? I was creating a pattern that was easy enough for even you to figure it out."
"What do you want with The Avengers? You've never been interested in us before it was only Spider-Man." Tony asked. The Goblin practically growled at the mention of Spider-Man. "Think of it as part of my plea deal. You've made lots of enemies Stark and my employers happen to be some of them, there's one thing between me and my freedom and that's your lives." Just like that the hostages appeared again but they had very large guns in their hands. "As you can see they weren't actual hostages..." The Goblin continued to talk but Tony heard a sound that he'd heard before but he couldn't place it. "Thwip" it sounded. Then he saw it or rather him. Slowly lowering himself down- Spider-Man
"Listen I'd hate to interrupt your monologue, I know how much evil villains love a good monologue but I've got places to be. You've ruined my retirement, I was having a great time sipping Piña Colada's on the beach." Spider-Man said before turning to the Avengers and giving a two fingered salute to them. "Avengers. Nice to see you again, good job falling for this. It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out but fear not your knight in shining spandex is here, maybe not shining, it could do with a wash cause it's a little smelly." At this point Tony was beginning to wonder if this guy ever shut up and hoping for an alternate rescue. "Enough from me, are you gonna attack or will I make the first move" Spider-Man said with open arms.
Peter's hands were shaking but he refused to let it show. His spidey sense tingled to warm him of the incoming shots from agent 1 which he dodged with a flip and webbed his gun. The other nine also began to take shots but Peter dodged. He webbed the wall and catapulted toward it landing gracefully on it. From this angle he began clearing debris off the Avengers while simultaneously avoiding getting shot. The Avengers were free and began taking on some of the agents, punching, dodging, shield flying, gun fire, it was chaos but something felt off where was the gobl — his sense buzzed but he wasn't quick enough to avoid being grabbed by The Green Goblin on his glider and thrown against the wall. Oww that hurt! Peter had definitely gotten rusty over the past couple of months. Peter pushed himself back up but The Goblin's glider was coming for him and sliced across his stomach. Peter bit back a scream and webbed the Goblin's mask and pulled himself forward and kicked his legs off the glider. The glider went towards Peter again but learning from his mistakes he webbed the glider and swung over it kicking The Green Goblin as he attempted to get up. Peter webbed his hands bit The Goblin used his strength to fling Peter off his feet. The Green Goblin got back on his glider and fled before Peter could stop him. Peter looked to The Avengers, three of the agents had escaped but the remaining were either dead or in hand cuffs. The Avengers looked at him and he looked back. He couldn't help but feel disappointed that Mr.Osborn had gotten away but on the other hand he could feel the adrenaline coursing in his blood. There was no feeling like the thrill of a fight. He finally stopped looking at The Avengers and shot a web out the window and began swinging through the city. Just like that Spider-Man was back.

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