Chapter 2

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 3 and 4.


Noah couldn't have come at a better time; even though I would have taken off school as long as he was home, it was the weekend. He asked me to give him some time alone with Lee. He had asked me to stay away, but it was almost impossible for me to not be there for my best friend. It was amazing that my boyfriend was back for a while and I was so excited to spend time with him, but right now Lee needed to come first.

The four of us - Rachel, Lee, Noah and I - were having breakfast at the Flynns' house. The air was thick with tension; I think because everyone knew about Lee and Noah's dad except for Lee, even my family. Noah had never been close with his father because of how he dealt with Noah's angry childhood. But Lee had always loved his dad. He was there for him when he felt inferior to his older brother. His dad was responsible for boosting Lee's self confidence a lot through the years.

"Lee's taking me out tonight Elle. Do you think we could go shopping to find something for me to wear?" Rachel asked, not so conspicuously. I kept my eyes on my cereal, pushing it around with my spoon. Noah put his hand on my thigh underneath the table. My throat opened up again and I gave Rachel a smile.

"Of course. You definitely can't take Lee; he doesn't get that girls always need more clothes," I teased and Lee stuck his tongue out at me.

Noah whispered in my ear, "Maybe you can find something to wear for me too." I knew that he had said it only for me, but from the look on Lee's face I could tell that he had heard it too.

"If you guys are gunna start pawing at each other, could you go into the other room," Lee joked. I threw an apple slice at him but he dodged it. I felt the tension in the air disappear as I enjoyed the rest of my breakfast. Noah's hand never left my thigh. When I was taking a sip of my water, his hand crept further up my leg. I choked and almost spit water across the entire table. Noah took his hand out from between my legs and rubbed my back.

"Forgot how to breath Shelly?" Lee laughed and I gave him the glare to end all glares. I was still coughing so I stood up and went into the washroom. I drank some water and dried the tears from my eyes. Noah joined me in the washroom and closed the door behind him.

"You okay?" He smirked and I threw the towel I was holding at him. He laughed and backed me up against the counter.

"Noah you need to talk to your brother. Now isn't the time for this," I insisted. Even though I said that, I found myself running my hands over his chest, sliding my hands up his shirt.

"I really want some alone time with you," he moaned as I ran my fingers over his abs and my heart started beating faster.

"When do you leave? I don't think having sex is going to be very important when Lee is falling apart," I pointed out. He nodded and let out a shaky breath because I was still running my hands all over him. I giggled and kissed the sensitive spot beneath his ear. He touched my chin and turned my head to meet his lips in a soft, sweet kiss. He tasted like the fruit he just had for breakfast. Noah broke the kiss but didn't move away.

"I was hoping to fly back on Wednesday, but I guess it kind of depends how Lee reacts . I think I need to be there for him," he explained.

"I'll be there for him too Noah. You don't know him like I do. I think he's gunna be devastated at first but then he's gunna want to be strong for your mom," I murmured. Noah nodded as a tear fell. He tried to wipe it away, but I took his hands in mine and kissed his cheek. It was hard to see the boy who had fought in my defense, the boy who had had a bad boy reputation his entire life, fall apart. More tears fell and he buried his head in my shoulder, crying softly. I stroked his hair and just let him cry.

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