Chapter 15

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 34 and 35


"Okay Elle, you need to calm down," Rachel ordered. This was hyperventilating. Because I could practically feel my body running out of air. Which would be awful seeing as I'm carrying another human's life in my hands.

"I'm preg...I...pregnant?" I stammered. Rachel was waving her hands in front of face, saying anything to try to get me to calm down, but there was no way in hell that that was going to happen.

"There's so many reasons why you might be late. Lee mentioned that you haven't been eating much lately. Improper nutrition can have an effect on the menstrual cycle," she explained all professionally. Seeing that I was still gasping for air she continued, "Low iron might be affecting your cycles, and those energy drinks can't be good for you. You're not pregnant Elle."

"We didn't use a condom," I blurted. Rachel's eyes bulged out of her head.

"What?" she gasped. I took a deep breath, my first of many, and tried to explain how I knew that this wasn't because of malnutrition.

"A couple weeks ago, when Noah came to visit...we were sleeping together, like actually sleeping and in the middle of the night I woke him up...and things got heated. We just got so caught up in the moment that we...forgot to use a condom," I explained. Now Rachel was the one gasping for breath. I put a comforting hand on her back, but she jumped away from me.

"How could you be so stupid Elle? That's like one of the first things they teach you in Sex Ed!" she lectured. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I know, okay? I know! It was the dumbest thing I've ever done!" I yelled. Rachel took a deep breath and sat with me again.

"Okay, we don't know anything for sure. I'm going to go get you a test from the gift shop in the lobby, you text Lee and tell him that we need half an hour," she ordered. I nodded and she took my hands in hers. "Everything's going to be okay Elle." If her voice wasn't shaking I might have believed her.


Lee's POV

Just as I was leaving my room to meet the girls downstairs I got a text from Elle saying that they needed an extra half an hour. 'Girl emergency' were the only details I got. I decided to waste my extra time in the restaurant. I saw a guy with this really fancy drink when we were checking in and I was dying to try it. As I got off the elevator, I saw Rachel duck into the gift shop. I assumed that I knew what Elle meant by 'girl emergency', but I couldn't help but follow her into the store.

I ducked behind a shelf as Rachel grabbed something on the other side of the aisle. I really didn't know why I was hiding. I could handle seeing Rachel buy tampons. I had done it for Elle countless times before. But I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what Rachel handed to the cashier. I stayed hidden behind the shelf and waited for Rachel to leave the store, following her back upstairs to her room. I knew that one of the girls was scared that they were pregnant, and I intended to find out which one. If it was Rachel, I was dead. My mom would never stop crying about how much I'd disappointed her and my dad would literally try to chop my dick off. If it was Elle, and I knew exactly who to blame for it, I would cut their dick off myself.

I stayed behind the corner while Rachel used her key card to get back into her room. If I waited for a minute, I could catch the guilty party taking the test. Time seemed to slow to a stop as I counted the seconds until I could knock on their door. The second that I hit 60, I bolted to their door, smoothed out my shirt, and knocked three times. I heard hushed voices on the other side of the door, then nothing, and then the chain being latched. Rachel cracked open the door and even though she saw that it was me, she didn't let me in.

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