Chapter 18

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 42 and 43.


"Why don't you come to my game today. It's your last day here."

At the start of our relationship, Noah refused to even let me call him cute. Now we have to put our entire relationship on hold because he was so much better at sharing his feelings than I was. But I was trying. And that meant supporting my boyfriend at his football game.

"It's a Thursday. Aren't your games always on weekends because practically the entire school comes?" I asked. The sun was just starting to rise over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the hotel room. We were laying together, my head comfortably on his shoulder, just talking. I had lost track of time. It had to have been hours since I last checked the clock.

"It's some charity game. It's not technically part of our regular season. But today and tomorrow are some sort of holiday for the University. To give us a break before exams," he explained. I nodded. There was nothing that I would love more than to go watch Noah play. Just the thought of seeing him back in that uniform gave me chills. But it still scared me that I didn't know exactly what we were.

I mean we had spent the night together. An amazing, orgasmic night. But yet we had fought and made up twice. We both said that we didn't want to break up, but I knew that what I really needed was a break to think about us. About how much Noah meant to me and figure out how to trust him before he ended things between us for good. But what did that make us. I mean we were lying in a bed together, my thick hair still damp from the shower we had taken together. Which I don't think should count as a shower when more time was spent having sex than actual bathing.

What I really should be doing was saying all of this out loud. Noah said that he could help me; that I wasn't alone in this. So I should stop trying to deal with this stuff on my own.

"Noah?" I started. I had to take a deep breath to swallow my nerves before I could continue. "What are we? I mean, are we together? Can we date other people? This whole thing is really confusing." He sat up suddenly, making me faceplant into the mattress. I realized I had put my foot in my mouth once again.

"Do you want to date other people?" he asked. My eyes shot out of my head.

"What? No! Of course not! I just don't want to think that we're still together when you're on a totally different page. I don't want to keep you from seeing other people," I admitted. He turned to me and smiled sadly.

"Elle, I would never do that to you. We both just need some space, and by the time you get into Trinity, we'll have figured everything out and we can go back to the way things were. Noah and Elle. And sometimes the annoying third wheel Lee," he joked. I shoved him and he almost fell backwards off the bed.

"How do you know you're not the third wheel to Lee and I?" I countered. He rolled his eyes and pulled me so close our noses were touching.

"There is nothing in this world that can convince me that I am not completely and utterly in love with you Elle Evans," he told me. I gave him a quizzical look and his face got immediately defensive. "Seriously! Even the heavens have told me that we're meant to be together."

"I didn't know you were a man of the church," I teased. His eyes dropped to my lap.

"I'm not. Lee gave me a letter from your mom," he told me. My body went limp and I felt the world stop.

"She wrote you a letter?" I whispered. He grinned at me and got up from the bed. He went back over to his duffle bag and shuffled around until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a white envelope, same as the ones that the letters that I get from my mom come in. The envelope looked a little aged, but the letter that he pulled out was once again as pristine as the day she wrote it.

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