Chapter 20

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 47 and 48.


"You know how I said that you were sweet and innocent the night I told you how I felt about you?" Noah asked. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. "I'd like to take that back."

I shoved him hard, sending him tumbling backwards onto the bed. The sheet that was tied around his waist came loose, giving me a full frontal view of his body. He didn't move to cover himself.

"It's going to be so different going home. We've had more sex in the past 24 hours than we have in the past five months," I giggled. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. He reached out and pulled me towards him. I stood between his legs, looking down at him.

"Oh just you wait. Imagine what it's going to be like when we see each other again in seven months," he laughed, but the smile drained from my face.

"Seven months? You're not going to visit before then?" I asked. He looked at me sadly and took a deep breath.

"Football's about to get really intense. If I'm not off playing somewhere else, I'll be training non-stop. And don't even get me started about my exam schedule..." he moaned. When he saw that the disappointed look hadn't left my face he started again. "I'm sorry Elle. I took as much time off as I could to go home and see my dad. Unless there's an emergency, I can't leave until the semester's over."

But he had said seven months. The rest of the semester was only five months. What did he have planned over the summer?

He practically read my mind. "I have a football camp that runs every other week all summer. I guess I could come out for a couple of days, but I just think it would be easier if I waited until I got a break after the season's over."

So basically what he was saying was that we wouldn't see each other until I moved out here for school. If I got into Trinity. Seven months was a long time not to see my boyfriend. Especially when we were still working on rebuilding our relationship. It was a lot harder to do over the phone.

"This sucks," I mumbled. He smirked and pulled me in closer.

"You could come out here to see me," he suggested. I dropped my gaze and smiled.

"I don't think I'm allowed to come back here without parental supervision," I told him. He looked at me worriedly.

"What did you and Lee do?" he demanded. Oh of course he assumed that it was Lee and I. To be fair, Rachel did play a part in planning the whole thing.

"Your mom caught us changing the hotel reservations so that I could be here alone with you and Lee and Rachel could be alone in Providence," I explained.

He groaned. "You could have stayed at my place. Now my mom actually never will let you come out here again."

We both started laughing, collapsing onto the bed in each other's arms. I craned my neck to look at the clock. It was already ten o'clock. We had totally skipped dinner.

"I remember thinking that the first time we made out in your bedroom that the only reason I liked you was because you were a good kisser," I told him. He puffed out his chest at that, and I rolled my eyes. "That you would never be interested in me for longer than a week. Let alone be interested in having a long-term relationship. I never would have thought that we would have ended up here."

"Well you showed me a love that I didn't even know existed. There was no way I was letting go of you without a fight," he admitted. I swooned at his words. Sometimes, Noah could be really blunt. He liked to say things like they were. But other times, he was more romantic than Shakespeare himself.

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