Chapter 29

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 65 and 66


"Now, welcoming the one, the only...Elle Evans!"

Noah took my hand and pulled me around the corner. I had been not-so-patiently waiting for Lee to let me see my surprise. My jaw dropped. Noah's eyes never left me, smirking like he was on top of the world. I felt like I was too. The work Lee obviously put into this brought tears to my eyes.

Everyone from the senior class was there. In normal, everyday clothes. There were a few people dressed as mimes, some were in dorky swimsuits. There were a couple girls throughout the crowd dressed for halloween; their skull candy makeup reminded me of the festival last year.

And as my eyes took in the whole yard, and I looked beyond the swimming pool, a small wooden stand stood alone with a bright backdrop.

"It's the Kissing Booth," I gasped. Noah grinned and pulled me through the crowd. I smiled at everyone and tried to thank them for coming, but Noah didn't let me stop. We passed Lee and Rachel last, and they followed us up the small slope to the Kissing Booth. I looked behind us and the rest of my guests had followed us too. This was deja vu from when I took off my blindfold when I got forced to work the booth and everyone was staring at Noah and I.

As we got closer to the booth, I realized that my birthday surprise was a flashback.

"Elle..." Noah whispered. I shook my thoughts away and looked over at him. We were standing on opposite sides of the table now. Lee and Rachel were doing the same on the other side of the booth. "Elle what are you thinking so hard about?"

"I'm just nervous is all," I admitted. Noah took my hands in his. They stilled my shivering ones.

"Don't be. I think they know by now that we're dating," he joked. I pushed him softly, but he came right back and leaned on the table so that we were at the same height.

"That's not what I'm worried about," I mumbled, playing with the ring around my finger. Noah followed my gaze and sighed.

"If I knew giving it to you was going to make you feel like this, I would have waited. I don't want you to feel like you have to wear it just for me," he insisted. I looked at him and then back at the crowd. I spotted my dad who was trying to act interested in the party, but he obviously didn't want to see Noah and I kiss.

Noah's mom was standing next to her husband, hands clasped together and looking proud. My little brother was standing in front of a group of girls who were fawning over him like he was a freaking prince.

"You are so cu-te!" Olivia giggled. Oh my god. The OMG girls got to my little brother.

"Noah, I promise you that I want nothing more than to wear this ring. But it does look pretty marriage-y," I teased. He laughed and leaned in to kiss me. The crowd started cheering, but I pulled away. Noah looked at me, confused. "Are there gunna be any more surprises?"

"I'm not sure. This was all Lee," he whispered. I peered over Noah's shoulder and saw Lee and Rachel going at it like they were going to die tomorrow.

"Holy crap. What's up with them?" I asked. Noah rolled his eyes.

"Well maybe Rachel knows that Lee didn't take her up here to talk," he huffed. I sighed and rest my forehead against his. His breath was shaking.

"Thank you," I said, barely a whisper.

"For what?"

"For loving me," I murmured.

"Always," he smirked.

The Kissing Booth - Chasing NoahWhere stories live. Discover now