Chapter 26

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 58 and 59.


Elle's POV

Elle | Noah, Rachel

New Message - Noah

I don't think I can meet you at the airport :( Read 8:27 pm

Why? When I called you yesterday you said you were picking me up Read 8:29 pm

I wanted to pick Noah up, I really did. But when I called Jordan and said I wanted to talk, he said the only time he was going to be free for the next little while was on the same day as Noah's arrival. And I knew now that I had had that dream, there was no way that I could enjoy my birthday or my time with Noah if I didn't talk to him soon. To be honest, Jordan didn't seem to think it was weird at all when I called him months later than I was supposed to. Which seemed kind of odd. Was everyone completely wrong and Jordan never had any actual feelings for me? He might have just heard that Noah and I were fighting and wanted to be there for me as a friend.

I'm sorry. I have something I can't get out of. I can meet you at your place? Read 8:36 pm

Yeah. That sounds great Read 8:40 pm

I knew that he was upset, but there was no way that he was going to say anything. He hated when people changed plans at last minute. Maybe I should cancel on Jordan. Noah was my boyfriend and I hadn't seen him in almost three months. Before our fight I would have jumped at the chance to pick him up at the airport. To run into his arms and breathe in the familiar scent of home. But if I didn't meet Jordan, there was no way that I was going to be able to be completely there with Noah. He deserved all of attention, so I needed to take care of this first.

New Message - Rachel

Did you call Jordan yet? Read 9:15 pm

I'm meeting him next week. Read 9:17 pm

See you at school tmrw Read 9:20 pm

I threw my phone on my bed and buried my head under the covers. This was such a mess. I didn't want to make amends. There wasn't even any proof that Jordan was angry about how I left things. Why should I waste time that I could be spending with Noah on a guy I barely know? I would feel a whole lot better if I just came clean about the whole thing. About our almost sort-of-date. About my dream. About the fact that I tried to deliberately hurt my boyfriend and that it was one of the worst things I'd ever done.


Noah's POV

"Is something going on with Elle? She's always picked me up from the airport," I asked worriedly. The second I said goodnight to Elle, I dialed Lee's number. If there was anyone who knew what was going on, it would be him. He still didn't know about her present, but it was easy enough to keep out of the conversation.

"Not that I know of. She's been doing really good lately," he told me. That's what I had thought too. I checked in with her dad sometimes to ask how her appointments were going. Just in case she wasn't telling me the whole truth. He said that she hadn't missed a single one. Her therapy seemed to be having a really positive effect on her.

He and I had a moment when he told me that Brad had brought an energy drink home from school. He was just trying to show off to the other kids at school. Elle's dad almost kicked him out for bringing it into the house. We had a pretty good laugh about it. He made Brad bring it to my house and my mom took care of it. It made me feel really good, having that talk with Elle's dad. What didn't make me feel good was being blown off by my girlfriend.

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