Chapter 13

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A/N: This is the edited version of Chapter 30 and 31


We landed right on time, just as Lee's mom had said. When I took my phone off airplane mode, I had gotten three messages from Jordan. Just seeing his name on the screen made me guilty. Rachel was right. I shouldn't be going out with him. Whether it was as friends or not. I was acting childish trying to make Noah jealous. But if Jordan did think it was an actual date, I didn't want to cancel it over the phone.

"Who's Jordan?" Lee piped up from the back seat. Since the two love birds were too scared to sit in the front with the Uber driver, they made me.

"Elle's rebound," Rachel teased. I rolled my eyes and gave her the best death stare I could muster.

"What? I thought you and Noah didn't break up," Lee expressed.

"Rachel. Are you freaking kidding me?" I hissed at her. I turned to Lee, "We did not break up. Jordan's just a friend of Noah's. I met him on my career day." And for some reason our Uber driver, Melissa, thought that it would be a good idea to butt in with her opinion.

"Sweetheart, guys don't usually like it when you go on dates with their friends," she lectured. My mouth dropped open.

"Okay. Everybody listen. Not a date! I'll tell him I changed my mind when we get home if it makes everybody feel better," I huffed.

"It would, thank you. And I'm sure my brother would appreciate that too," he added. Melissa gasped.

"You're dating his brother? Are you like a threesome or something?" she asked. I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not, but Rachel just burst out laughing.

"Uh no. That is my best friend Lee, and I'm dating his brother Noah. Not that it's any of your business," I sneered. I know, I know. I was being pretty rude to the lady that was kindly giving us a ride, but I never thought she would get this personal.

"By the way, she also promised that she would never grind coogies with said brother. Broke that promise...more than once," Lee pointed out.

"Not that it's really my place to say-" Melissa started.

I cut her off with, "No. No it is not." Which elicted a laugh from the two idiots in the backseat.

She kept going anyways. "But you don't sound like a very good friend. Or girlfriend for that matter. First, you break your promise to stay away from your best friends brother, then you end up dating him anyways, and once you're in a committed relationship with this brother of your best friend or whatever, you go on a date with his friend to try to make him jealous?" I tried at that point to cut her off, but she didn't even let me get a word in. "Sounds to me like you have some growing up to do. If you keep going on like this, you're going to run out of people that care about you. And you'll have no one to blame but yourself."

Okay, now everyone's mouths were hanging open. I mean, she pretty much got the just of it. But what happened in between was what mattered most to me. Me hiding the relationship from my best friend because I was afraid of hurting him. Being ready never to speak to Noah again if it meant I got Lee back. Always admitting that no matter how I felt about Noah that I would always put Lee first. But the Jordan part...yeah she got me on that one.

"Is it too far to walk from here?" Rachel asked. I shook my head at her while I glared at Melissa. She just kept staring straight ahead, but if looks could kill.

"It's fine Rachel. My dad taught me young, how to deal with rude people," I snapped. Melissa slammed on the brakes.

"I think your friend got it right. You can walk from here," she sneered, her nose in the air. She finally met my eyes and I honestly think if I was her size, I could have taken her.

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