Hope when you take that jump

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*Currently editing*

This is roughly the time line where we start. After the Garrison declared the Kerberos mission a failure, and the paladins are training to be pilots.


"Stay here Y/N, I'll be back as soon as my term at the Garrison ends." Hunk assured his moaning pet cat. Meowing back at him, you wound yourself around his legs. Forcing him to lean down to shoo you away. He failed. 

You felt the familiar sensation of fingers raking through your fur. You lose your composure. Hunk saw your moment of weakness and used it to pry you off of his shoes. You wiggled in his grip. Clinging to whatever you could. Digging your claws into his coat, grabbing at his hands, anything to delay him leaving. 

You were unsuccessful. 

"Y/N, I'll be back soon. I promise." Hunk soothed, as he set you down once again. He turned, hoisting his backpack a little higher onto his shoulder as he reached for the door handle. Panic swallowed your voice box. What was supposed to be one last complaining cry turned out to be a rather pathetic meow. Hunk paused. You could tell you were weakening him.

"You're going to be late." His mother called from the kitchen. She sounded like she was laughing. Hunk almost did. He was so close to opening the doof and marching out into the morning with his head held high. But he didn't. He had this weird sinking feeling dragging at the bottom of his stomach. Nerves maybe. You whimpered again. Hunk sighed.

Dropping his bag to the floor, he bent down and opened his arms wide. Knowing the gesture, you flung yourself at the boy. He embraced you lightly. Scratching that delicate spot behind your left ear. "I love you Y/N. Don't ever forget that." Hunk whispered in your ear. You only purred louder in response. 

"Hunk, get going!" His mum yelled from the kitchen. 

"Alright, I'm going." Hunk called back, with a grin. Standing up, he wiped the cat hair off of his clothes before snatching up his bag again. "Bye!" He yelled to the house, and with one last scratch behind his beloved pets ear, he left. You stood staring at the door for a moment more. The soft clicking of the lock being turned your fur stand on end. You waited for Hunk go reappear, having forgotten something as he always did, but he didn't return. It wasn't until his scent turned stale that it dawned on you. He was gone.

To say you had minor separation anxiety, was a slight understatement. Especially when it came to Hunk. He was your best and only friend. Whenever he was home, the pair of you were inseparable, Hunk's Mother had learnt that the hard way. So why had he left again? Did you do something wrong?

Your mind continued to ponder on what you could've done to drive him off, as you began to pace. At first, you didn't panic too much. For all you knew, he'd be back by night fall. Everything would be fine. So you waited. And waited. You didn't let the door out of your sight. You didn't even get up to go in search of food. Instead, you curled up and waited some more.

Patiently, you sat by that door as the weeks rolled by. You slept by it. Eventually, you dragged your bowls out of the kitchen and into the hallway. o you could eat while watching it. Hunk was by far your favourite person in the family. You loved him, and he loved you. Which added to your confusion. Why did he pack up and leave? Hunk's Mother even resorted to moving your tray and basket out into the hall. She didn't dare let you outside, in case you didn't return. Besides, you were a house cat, it wasn't in your nature to go out exploring. Not after the cat incident anyway.

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