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one week later

The boys were taking us to see something they've yet to show us that they just love.

Macey and I guessed for the whole first hour of the ride what it could be, but they all just sat silent, shaking their heads.

And soon

We were stuck in traffic, in the middle of no where, and Macey had to pee.

"You better go pee in the woods, because the next bathroom is twenty six miles away" Michael laughed, making her groan.

"Come with me?" She looked to me, making me roll my eyes, but I complied, because I'm a good twin.

We jogged into the woods, and I played with a leaf that had rubbed against the back of my legs, scaring the shit out of me.

I ripped it apart, watching it fall to the ground.

"Okay, we're good" Macey smiled, us both running back to the car, sitting in the parked vehicle.

They soon had the wreck cleared and we were able to finally go.

An hour later, we pulled up at an ice cream parlor.

"Ice cream?" Macey and I said in unison.

"Only the best ice cream in the state of California." Luke grinned.

So we got out, going into the shop, watching the boys immediately order their flavors.

Macey and I ordered cotton candy, and I do admit

It was some damn good ice cream

But you wouldn't catch me driving two hours out of town to get it.

"So you guys just drive two hours to get ice cream-" "mainly on really good days" Ashton smiled, winking to us.

Then we drove all the way home, us all laughing at each other as we entered the house, Michael and Calum falling into the couch together.

I showered, and as I dried off, I felt stinging on the back of my thighs.

I pulled away, quickly looking, and saw red little bumps.

I shrugged it off, thinking it was just heat bumps or something.

I let Macey shower, and then we cuddled up together, seeing Calum come in with a smile.

"Thanks for taking us to ice cream, it was certainly an adventure" I smiled.

"Thanks for coming with us, we love being with you guys" he smiled, sitting by my legs.

We spoke for a few minutes, just about how school was starting in a month and how miserable we were going to be.

"Schools not too bad, I enjoyed school actually-" "we all aren't made out to be doctors, Calum"

I woke up at six in the morning, itching.

I threw the blankets off, immediately assuming something was biting me, and looked, seeing the damn bites, but much more swollen.

I looked to my side, no longer seeing Macey, but the bathroom door was shut.

I got up, knowing something was wrong, and I immediately knocked, while rubbing the back of my thighs.

She opened the door, only in a t shirt and panties.

"My ass and vagina is fucking on fire-"

"What the fuck did we do?" I questioned, looking to my hands, which also itched.

"I don't fucking know, but my vagina has never been in this much pain."

So I slipped on shorts, she slipped on sweat pants and we made our way into the living room.

I saw Luke, and I smiled.

"Where's Cal?" I asked.

"Shower, what's up?" He spoke quickly.

"What's wrong with my thighs" I quickly said, turning to let him look.

He grabbed my shirt, pulling me backwards.

I felt his hand rub over them.

"It's on my hands too" I mumbled, making him look to them.

"Ashton!" Luke yelled suddenly, making a loud "what" come from upstairs.

"Tell Calum to come see when he's done!"

"Macey has it too" I mumbled.

"The same places?"

"No" I lightly laughed

"Her ass and vagina" I finished, trying my best to hold my laughs.

"It must be a rash or something, I have no idea what the fuck this is-" "what are you talking about?" Calum spoke, his hair dripping as he threw a shirt over his head.

"Your girls have a rash, Casey's is on her hands and back of thighs-" Calum cut him off, flipping my hands to look before bending to look at the back of my thighs.

"This is fucking poison ivy" he laughed

"You guys touched that when you went to pee in the woods" he finished, incapable of holding the laughs.

I looked to Macey, frowning.

"Where's yours?" Calum asked her.

"My fucking ass and vagina." She spat out, making his eyebrows raise quickly.

"Jesus Christ girls" he laughed lightly, standing.

"Well I guess it's a good day to update your shots anyway" he shrugged.

"Wait, we have to get a shot?" Macey spoke quickly.

"In your ass" luke finished.

"I think my ass is in enough pain-" "the shot will almost immediately relieve you, there's no arguing with this one"

So we went to the damn hospital, all four of them taking us into an exam room.

We sat on the bed together, Macey leaning onto me as I leaned against the wall.

"You wanna do Macey's and I'll do Casey's?" Calum suggested, making Ashton almost immediately nod.

"Luke" I mumbled, opening my arms to him, which made him roll his eyes before moving to me.

"Okay girls, one in each arm and then one in your lower back" Calum spoke.

Luke held me into his chest as I felt Calum quickly give them to me, carefully putting bandaids over the spots on my arms.

"Okay, now the bad one" he mumbled, moving behind me.

I held Luke, not moving as I felt my shirt go up, before it went- almost into my hipbone, no ass involved.

"Ouch, mother fuck-" "don't you finish that sentence" Ashton quickly spoke.

"Mother firetruck" Macey finished

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