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two months later

"Okay girls, you have to open this in unison." I spoke slowly to the two of them- seeing them starring at the box in front of them.

"When?" Casey smiled eagerly

"Now" Meghan smiled, all the boys- who knew the surprise were standing behind us.

They both ripped the box open, their faces completely dropping when it was open.

Macey kept the same face as a smile grew onto Casey's face as she grabbed the baby shirt inside the box.

On it was written

I love my big sisters

"You're-" she froze for a second, scanning everyone's face

"You're pregnant?" She spoke out

"Yes" Meghan spoke out, the smile never leaving Casey's face.

"Oh my god- congratulations" Casey laughed, immediately standing to hug her mom- which made me look to Macey.

She now held the baby shirt, looking to it.

I turned away from her to hug Casey, who was almost radiating

"It better be a girl" Macey spoke out- standing without a smile to hug Meghan.

"Well I can't make it a gender honey" Meghan laughed- semi awkwardly, because this was a pretty awkward moment.

"Act happy." I heard Casey whispered before bumping her shoulder roughly when switching spots so Macey could hug me.

And we continued our day.

Casey followed me around the house, asking questions such as

Are you excited?
Do you want a boy or a girl?
Do you have any name ideas?
How far along is she?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
When are you guys going to tell us the gender?
Can I be in the room when she's having it?
What will it call me?
Is it rude that I'm calling it, it?

"princess" I laughed at the last question, turning to her and grabbing her shoulders gently.

I was getting no paper work done with all of these questions

"I know you're excited- and I'm so glad that you are." I smiled to her.

"But baby I have to get some work done, and I can't focus-" "right, right- sorry- I forgot- I'm leaving" she quickly said, almost immediately turning, and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty

"Casey" I spoke right before she was out of sight, making her look to me quickly

"I'm hoping for a baby boy"

I saw her smile grow bigger

"I knew it"

Over the next few days- Casey was filled with excitement.

It was almost like she was a kid- just so eager for a baby sibling.

Now Macey was a different story

Like normal- she stayed in her room majority of the time, but when she was with us she always said one thing that would just drop the mood.

But we didn't really worry about anything but happy vibes

We worked

The girls did online school due to us missing registration for their real school

Meghan worked

We all did what we had to do.

I walked into my office- seeing a clearly stressed- very focused Casey, and a not so focused Macey.

"It's so simple Casey-" "it's not Macey, if it was simple I'd get it." She spat back.

"That's probably why my grades are better-" "Macey" I quickly spoke, not wanting to witness a fight again.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"Macey won't explain this fucking algebra shit to me because she's a bitch" Casey spat.

"Macey, please explain it-" "why would I help her get above me?" She spoke, catching me off guard.

"You're telling me you don't want to help your own sister because grades matter to you that much." I spat back.

She shrugged in response, making me laugh.

"Come here Cas" I spoke, seeing her almost immediately stand with her computer, moving to me.

I pulled her into my lap, setting her computer on my desk.

After a few moments staring at the equation- trying to figure out what the fuck they were asking, I got it.

I explained it to her- watching her focus towards to beginning.

"Got it?" I questioned once I finished.

"I missed the last part" she spoke.

I nodded, explaining it again to her, seeing her nod.

She ended up staying at my desk with me as I did paperwork, and I had time to watch her.

She got it quick- and was doing it as if she knew how to do it the entire time.

She ended up switching subjects and I watched her go to Macey- who immediately of course pushed her away.

"What now?" I questioned

"Spanish" she mumbled

"I can't help you much with that one baby" I spoke.

"It's the hardest" she spoke out, looking to the computer screen.

"It's like my brain can't switch the language barriers- it just mixes up and I end up just forgetting it all" she spoke, which immediately got my full attention.

"Is it only with Spanish that this happens?" I questioned.

She shrugged lightly

"I mix dates up a lot too" she spoke.

"Yeah- she does, we've missed so many important events because of her" Macey spat out.

Casey didn't respond- just looked to her computer.

"So do you just forget or-" "it's not that I forget- I just have like a mess up, I get the wrong number of the wrong date- or it just completely mixes up in my head-" she stopped

"I can't explain it"

I looked to her for a few seconds.

"How's your reading?" I asked her.

"Casey sucks at everything in school Cal" Macey mumbled

"Stop- this isn't your conversation" I quickly spoke, needing Casey to talk to me honestly at this point.

"She's got a point- school isn't my thing" she mumbled.

She said it like it was true- but the kid was so smart and that was so obvious to me.

She had potential that something wasn't allowing her to see.

"Why would you say that?" I quickly spoke, turning my chair to her.

"Calum I've been told it my entire life" she laughed

"I've been put with the slow groups, been tested for ADD, been put on medicine for ADHD, nothing works so everyone just kinda gives up on me, puts me towards the back and says sink or swim" she mumbled, avoiding looking to me.

"You are in no slow princess- I see so much potential in you" I quickly said, grabbing her face to look at me.

"And you're the only one"

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