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three months later.

I walked into the hospital- Vanessa right by my side.

We both held our presents, going to the receptionist

"Meghan Hood" I smiled

"Room 103- she's been continually reminding us that you were coming to visit, she's excited to see you."

I smiled towards her, intertwining arms with Vanessa, us walking silently.

We knocked lightly before entering the room- seeing all of my people.

"Hi Casey" mom smiled immediately.

"Hi mom" I smiled back, feeling oddly- out of place.

I hugged her quickly before hugging Luke, Ash and Michael- pretending that they weren't at my house yesterday- because we had yet to tell anyone that they visited all the time.

I smiled towards Macey- who made no movement to her up and hug me- so I moved to Calum.

He stood, pulling me into a tight hug.

I held him back, keeping my face into his shoulder.

"Come meet our little man" mom spoke, making us pull away.

I turned to her- seeing Michael handing her the bundle of blue blankets.

"Casey- meet Brantley James Hood" she smiled, slowly passing me the little bundle.

I looked to his sleeping face- and I felt the tears.

"Wow" I managed to laugh out.

"He's- beautiful" I smiled, feeling his little fingers wrap around my finger.

The kid looked purely like Calum

The nose, the lips, the entire face build- there was no question that this wasn't Calum's kid.

Within seconds- his eyes opened- making mom gasp.

"That's his first time to open them" she laughed, Calum sitting behind me on the bed.

"Hey little man" Calum spoke, us all watching him blink.

"You staring at your big sister?" Calum spoke to him continually.

"She's pretty- isn't she?" He spoke, making me laugh lightly.

"Beautiful" mom corrected, pushing some of my hair behind my ear.

"Look at his grip on your finger" michael laughed- referring to how his tiny knuckles were turning white.

"This is crazy" mom laughed.

"How do you feel?" I asked her, seeing her smile.

"A lot better now that you're here." She smiled, gently touching the ring on my finger- Calum's ring.

Soon everyone went to the cafeteria- leaving her, Vanessa and I.

Vanessa sat beside me, holding his other hand.

"How's the adult life?" She asked.

I nodded
"Surprisingly easy" I smiled.

"You don't have kids yet" she laughed back quickly

"The ring" she brought up after a few minutes.

I shrugged lightly

"I was missing him" I mumbled

"He noticed it" she nodded

"Thank you- it makes him much more happier than you can imagine" she smiled.

I smiled back.

And suddenly the baby puked- all over me.

I felt my jaw drop as my mom and Vanessa busted out laughing- Vanessa taking pictures.

"You little fart" I laughed, handing him to mom, who bounced him lightly.

"You got sick on sissy?" She laughed loudly, holding the almost smirking baby as I stood.

"I'll be back-" "come on, I have clothes in my office" Calum smiled, knowing exactly what happened.

I followed him to his office, watching him go behind his desk.

"It's me" I spoke, lifting a picture from his desk of me sleeping- my hand on moms bump as she also slept.

"Mhm" he hummed lightly

"My favorite picture" he smiled, looking to it with me before handing me a shirt.

"My favorite girl" he finished, making me smile.

I changed into his shirt- thankful that I wore leggings so I didn't look like a pure hobo.

I walked out, taking his arm- almost like it was habit- and letting him lead me to the room mom was in.

After about two hours- Vanessa and I knew we had plans tonight.

"Well- we better go" I breathed out.

"Okay princess" mom smiled lightly.

I gave hugs to every one- but Macey of course.

"Come visit us more often, okay?" Mom whispered, making me nod.

"I will- I promise mom." I mumbled- kissing her cheek.

I hugged Calum for the second time- kissing his cheek.

"Congratulations, dad" I breathed into him, laughing lightly, making him laugh also.

"Thank you, princess"

third person.

Vanessa and Casey left- later in the night meeting a suspicious man in a 7/11 parking lot- who sold them a Golden Retriever puppy.

Meghan and Calum looked through the pictures Vanessa took of Casey and the baby that Casey sent to her mom

They both smiled at the picture of him opening his eyes- and Casey face smiling bigger than they've seen it in a while.

Calum set it as his home screen- because two of his main priorities were in the picture.

Luke, Michael and Ash got a text from Casey at exactly 1:03 in the morning

A picture of her hugging a puppy with Vanessa in her bed

made a big girl purchase

They immediately left to go make a visit

And Macey- she held Brantley, talking to him when he woke up.

Life continued for each of them

They learned lessons, loved each other through the mistakes, and finally

Everyone was happy.

                                  the end.

sequel coming soon.
Keep your eyes open for~ singled

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