The surgery went about as easy as these surgeries normally goThankfully- we had no problems and the nurses walked her back to the room.
We scrubbed out, changing and then went straight to her.
"She did great" Michael whispered to Meghan as we walked in, making her smile.
Macey was asleep on the couch- but we still had to wake up Casey to make sure all was well.
Michael stood beside me as I sat on her bed, rubbing her stomach gently, talking to her to wake her.
She soon shifted her head slightly, a quiet noise coming from her.
"Let me see those pretty eyes cutie" I smiled, making her slowly open them- her green eyes looking straight to my own.
"There she is" I smiled, seeing her blinking slowly.
"How are you feeling baby?" Michael asked her, us all looking down to her.
"Tired" she spoke out, making us nod slowly.
"But you're feeling okay otherwise?" I asked her.
I watched as she slowly swallowed
"I think I'm going to puke" she spoke quietly, and Michael immediately grabbed the throw up bowl, bringing it closer.
Thank God she told us, because she almost immediately threw up.
Meghan held her hair, rubbing her back gently.
"Is this normal?" Meghan asked
"It's just the medicine and getting out of surgery" michael nodded.
Unexpectedly- Meghan made Michael take Casey's hair before she ran to the trashcan- also throwing up
"Jesus- baby are you okay?" I asked, wiping Casey's mouth gently, seeing her whine.
Michael looked to me.
"Get a pregnancy test."
The next morning- we were good to go home, so we thankfully did.
The boys stayed at our house with us- just staying around Casey as much as she wanted- because she wanted lots and lots of attention
We made sure Casey wasn't doing anything, because the simplest movement could put her in more pain than she's ever felt.
We certainly wanted to avoid that.
I was currently in her room with Ashton and Luke who were cuddling her.
Meghan and I cuddled up in her love sac together and Macey and Michael were downstairs talking.
We all focused on the Disney movie that played- no one saying a word.
Meghan leaned into my hold more, making me kiss her forehead gently
"Cal" she mumbled quietly- making sure no one else could hear
I hummed back, turning my attention to her
"I missed my period"

Fanfiction"Wait, wait, wait" "You wanna marry our mom?" "Yes, I want to marry your mom."