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"Wake up, kid," Murdoc said, turning on the light. He smiled sweetly and then went "Get up, Stewie, it's your first day of school! You don't wanna be late do you?" He asked with a mock voice. As soon as he said that, his smile was gone and was replaced with a scowl "Come on, Dullard, get up," he said, this time, more seriously. He turned his back to me and went to the kitchen. I don't know him that well, but I don't think he's one I should cross. Especially not since he's giving me a place to stay and helping me get a job. This leads me to think.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked

He stopped dead in his tracks, did a 180, and stared at me dead in the eye.

"No, no, no, no, no. I'm not nice. I'm the complete opposite. Don't ever call me nice again, you understand?" I nod. "Good. Now get ready." I did as he said.

"See, I took you in because the same thing happened to me when I was about your age. My dad kicked me out because he didn't like the way I was acting. But no one took me in. Nobody. No one wants a Satanist low life with a bad attitude sleeping on their couch. He might steal the TV or something. So I told myself if I came across a kid that was in the same situation as me at that age, I was gonna take them in. Plus I need a little good karma. But that does not make me nice. Murdoc Niccals is not nice." He explained while making 2 cups of coffee.

I was getting dressed near the couch. I knew he wouldn't mind, for he was literally in boxers and his upside-down cross the whole time we were at his apartment.

After I was completely ready, he gave me black coffee and told me I looked nice. No one tells me that. Not even my girlfriend.

See, even though I'm gay, I do have a girlfriend. Of course, she doesn't know about me being gay. A beard who's in the dark about being a beard, if you will. I smile and thank him of course, but try not to think much of it. Even if he hates it, he's probably the kindest person I've come in contact with in a while.

When we got into the car I told him which school to drive to. "Bukowski still the principal?" He smirked. "Yeah, she is. She doesn't like me much though. She really doesn't like my hair, either."

"Why not? You seem like you'd make good grades and not cause trouble."

"Well, she doesn't like anyone. And nobody likes her either, so we don't care."

"You know why she doesn't like anyone? Because she dealt with me." He chuckled. "See, I was the definition of a bad boy. I was the poster child. All the chicks wanted me, homework was non-existent in my book, troubled youth, loud and explicit, and annoying for anyone to have to put up with me. In fact, I pulled the worst senior prank that they almost expelled me for. I wrecked her office and put 'bitch' all over her desk. Of course, I was so proud, I didn't even think about getting away with it, so I carved my name at the bottom of the desk." He looked really happy telling this story, so I couldn't help but smile as well.

"I should pay the old bat a visit, shouldn't I?" He smirked.

"That would be quite funny,"

"So, does my legacy live on in that school? Does everyone know this story?"

"I'm afraid not. I believe she got a new desk, too. I've never seen 'Murdoc Niccals' engraved into this one."

"That bitch," he said exclaimed. I started to phase out and not exactly get lost in thought, but get lost in the absence of thought. I sat there, withdrawn from what was going on.

It wasn't long until we got to the school when he said, "I almost want to see her just to give her a heart attack and see what she does" he laughs again.

I guess my lack of response was a big deal to him because he started snapping in my face and saying, " 'Ello? Are you there? I said something, ya know." Personally, I don't see how that's that big of a deal, but I'm not going to get snappy at him as he did to me so I just simply said, "Yeah, sorry, just a bit tired. But you should pay her a visit," I said absentmindedly. 

"Alright. I think I might just do that," he said, grinning darkly.

When we arrived at the school, he parked in the parking lot and told me to go where I had to go. He said that he was going to see Bukowski. Just in case he got banned and wasn't able to pick me up, we exchanged numbers.

"Have fun," I called to Murdoc, as we went our separate ways.

"Thanks, kid!" He called back.

As I made my way to homeroom, I could hear the sounds of shrieks and screeches coming from the school staff  I couldn't help but chuckle at each of them.

Some time passed and I was still in the first period and I got a text.

Sorry kid. I can't go on campus anymore. I'll pick you up down the street.

I laughed lightly and turned off my phone screen. It's gonna be a long two months.

A/N just to let you know, as of 5-12-22, there are some changes to the original storyline, this is a republish after I edited some stuff that I no longer think is okay (and some continuity errors and grammar and spelling, etc.) so please take a bit to reread the previous chapters, as there are some substantial changes

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