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School sucks. Especially after you've been kicked out and when you get the evil eye from the principal every 5 minutes. Paula really didn't care about what happened. She didn't even care to ask why I was kicked out. Come to think of it, I don't even think she was listening. She was too busy on her phone, probably. I don't know why I even bother anymore. It's not like I could see myself having a future with her. I guess I'll just break up with her after school. Maybe then she'll care. Maybe. Hopefully.

The day was a blur. Nothing to listen to, really. It's not like I'm going to use all this that they teach us. I don't even know why we have to learn the Pythagorean theorem. Besides, I understand it. I've understood it since day one. Day one was in 8th fucking grade. Why do we have to keep going over it? I got through the wretched, boring, day by writing and listening to music through my earbuds that were kept hidden in the hood of my jacket.

It wasn't long until the last bell rang. Maybe it was and I wasn't paying attention. I don't know. But anyway, when it finally did ring, the students charged out the door like there was no tomorrow.

I needed to talk to Paula. I already knew where she was and where to find her. Her locker. Where she socialized with anything with a pulse. I even caught her talking to a fly on the wall there. All she seems to care about is popularity amongst her classmates. As if that's gonna matter after this year. They won't even remember her name. I gathered my stuff and made my way to her.

When I arrived at this infamous locker of hers, I saw her eating some other dude's face off pretty much. I should know. She's not a good kisser so it feels like that's what she's doing. I can't say I was really mad about her kissing another guy- hell with the face that this one had, I'd probably do the same- but it's more the principle of her cheating on me.

"What's up, Paula?" I smirked. My voice made her break away from the kiss so suddenly.

"It's not what it looks like!" She was so quick to answer. Almost as if she rehearsed something like this happening.

"Really? What is it?" I asked coldly. Though I looked and sounded mad, I wasn't. She did my job for me. How could I be mad? "You know, don't even answer. I was coming over here to break up with you anyway." I said then I smirked. I thought of the perfect revenge line I could give to her. "This relationship has turned me gay. I'm a fucking fag because of you now," The look of horror appeared on Paula Cracker's face as I did a one 180° turn and pulled out my phone to shoot a text to Murdoc before walking to the exit.

So where are you picking me up?

A block or two down the road. You remember what my Stylo looks like, right?


Stylo is what I assumed he called his car. It was an old black car that looked to be from the 60s.

I hate silence. The worst sound you can hear is no sound. It's quite deafening when ringing starts in your ears. Due to a head on the verge of being defective, I always hear ringing in my ears even if there's the tiniest of quietness forming in the air. I put the earbuds back into my ears and pressed play as I walked down the road. I didn't care what played as long as something played. But, for the record, it played Rock The Casbah by The Clash. My feet danced to the beat. In my head, I felt like such a badass for what happened, but I knew my head was a lie. The next day, Paula would spread the news around and I'll probably be beaten shitless. Plus, I'm sure people are laughing at the little spazzing out that I'm doing that we're just going to call dancing.

The Stylo came up in my line of sight and I picked up my pace just a bit. I'm sure some already know about me being a faggot and I'm sure they're just dreaming of beating me up, so I better get the hell out of dodge before one of them follows their dream.

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