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Getting home from the store, Murdoc beelined straight to his room. In 2 minutes flat, he was wearing fuzzy Fiend Club sleep pants and no shirt. I've come to find this to be normal lounge wear for Murdoc Niccals.

"So you're gonna go with Chris to the show?" Murdoc asks, plopping down on the couch.

"Yeah," I said with a grin. "Unless you need me here, in that case, I'll stay home," I say, walking over to sit next to him on the couch.

"No, no! Don't be ridiculous! Go out! Have fun!" He insisted. "After all, I've got a feeling this could be your first date with a guy," he says with a smirk.

"Yeah, actually," I chuckled nervously. "Why do you think he's into me?" I blurted out.

He stared at me with a confused look on his face. "Well, you two obviously hit it off at the shop-"

"No, I mean, like, what about me is appealing?" I rephrase.

He hesitates before stating, "Probably because you've got this glow to you.  It's this certain je ne sais quoi that demands to be seen when anyone's in your presence,"

I try hard not to blush. I honestly think that's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me, even if I don't know what the fuck that meant. "Do I really?" I ask.

"It's not like I'd lie to you," he blinks.

"I know you hate when I say it, but you're really-"

"Nope! Do not call me nice!" He interrupted with a laugh, and turned the TV on.

"I love this movie!" He yells enthusiastically. "Have you ever seen it?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I don't think so,"

"It's called Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's about a quarter in, but pretty much, Jim Carrey's character, Joel dated Kate Winslet's character, Clementine, and it ended badly. In the movie, there's this doctor that can erase one's memories, and Clementine goes to it to erase Joel. Joel gets a note from this place saying he's been erased and is like 'Fuck you, Clem, I can do that too,' and so he does. They get it done at his place while he sleeps, and midway through, he realizes what's happening and upon going through all the memories, he realizes he doesn't want to forget, so he's trying to wake him up, or hide her in an old memory so he doesn't forget," he explains.

"Does it work?" I ask him.

"Why don't you just watch and find out?" He smiles smugly.

Murdoc resituates into a more comfortable position by bringing his legs up on the couch, making him scoot a bit closer to me. I try to sit up straighter to keep just a bit of distance.

"I don't bite, you know," Murdoc remarked, as he noticed my body stiffening. "Well, I take that back. I do bite, but that's only with consent, so," he chuckled.

I laughed an awkward laugh and loosened up.

Murdoc gave a thoughtful expression before muting the TV.

"You okay, Blue?" he asked, looking in my eyes. "You seem uncomfortable," he remarked.

"Wha- Me? I'm fine! I'm just- just a bit tired is all," I brush off his concern.

"If you say so," he said almost sarcastically with a sigh. "But just know that I am here if you wanna talk about anything. Anything at all, alright?" he comforted before unmuting the television. I nodded.

He was genuine, I know he was, but it's pretty hard to not have a crush on someone who's treated you better than your own family.

My phone soon lit up with a buzz. It was a DM from christhecrackaddict. I giggled at his name and read it.


AYEEE i love the name haha

what? pobertrattinson? thanks haha

he's probably my favorite actor. like, yes, twilight is bad, but it's also so fucking good lmfao

oh, yeah. 100% agree. i cannot believe no one caught on that I was gay before. like, i had an edward poster on the back of my door and no one batted an eye.

dude, twilight was my sexual awakening. that moment in new moon where edward was sparkling and shirtless? i would like that image tattooed on my eyelids pls and thanks

okay so I'm so very glad we're both team edward lol

what? for Bella? no, im team jacob.


no wait hear me out!! think about it. if bella gets jacob, i could have edward👀👀

i mean,, I guess you do have a point 👀👀👀

i know. im kinda a genius 😎

hey, but I'm really glad you decided to go to the concert with me. im so excited about it.

dude, me too! I'm so happy you invited me. i know every lyric to Antics.


"Who's got you smiling like that?" Murdoch grinned.

"What? No one. What are you talking about?" I flushed.

"Someone's talking to Chris," he teased.

I put my phone down and turned the screen. "No..." I said smugly.

"You know, if you don't want to work at Uncle Norm's, I know a place that will for sure hire you..."

I cocked my head to the side. Murdoc smirked. "Good ol' Toxicity Records,"

My face lit up with joy. "Are you serious? That would be great!"

"How about we ditch school tomorrow and take you straight to Toxicity to fill out the application, what do you say? Not that there's a possibility you won't get the job, it's just formalities," he assured.

"I've never ditched before," I confessed.

His jaw dropped to the floor. It was almost as if he had seen a ghost. "You've never-" he cut himself off, baffled. "I started cutting class before the double digits!" he laughed.

"I've got a feeling we wouldn't have liked each other if we were in school together," I sucked my teeth.

"Oh, yeah? And why's that?" he scoffed playfully.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the goody-goody kids that went to school with you don't have fond memories of you,"

"I don't know what you're implying, Pot," he said, pursing his lips and closing his eyes innocently. "There is absolutely nobody I went to school with who would ever say that I was anything but a delight!"

"Okay, Mudz," I rolled my eyes and let myself sink into the couch rather than being so stiff. Murdoc ruffled my hair and tossed part of the throw blanket he was using for me to get under. I scooted a bit closer to him and covered up before zoning out and watching the movie.

A/N just to let you know, as of 5-12-22, there are some changes to the original storyline, this is a republish after I edited some stuff that I no longer think is okay (and some continuity errors and grammar and spelling, etc.) so please take a bit to reread the previous chapters, as there are some substantial changes

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