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Shockingly, tonight we didn't have a Forensic Files marathon. Instead, we watched one of my all-time favorite movies, The Outsiders.

Murdoc told me about the phase where he'd do nothing but dress just like Dally and would refuse to go anywhere without a switchblade in 11th grade. That was one of the many things he and my principal butted heads with.

He also went on to tell me about how when he read it (or just skimmed it and watched the movie), the teacher actually had the students write a fucking fanfiction about it, so of course, he had to "expose the obvious love between Dally and Johnny that the straight people are too oblivious to notice," as he put it, but I mean, he isn't wrong though.

In the middle of the movie when Ponyboy bleached his hair, a sharp gasp breached from Murdoc's lips.

"That's what we need to do!" He exclaimed.  "Makeovers!"

I laughed slightly before realizing he was serious. When I did, I immediately, I started back-pedaling. "Do you even have anything for hair or makeup?"

"Of course! I was planning to sell Courtney's junk, but I guess I found a use for it." He chuckled, before getting off the couch and into the bathroom.

He came back with multiple curling irons, a hair straightener, and a makeup box. "C'mere!" He said, plopping down on the floor, patting the place beside him.

I did as he said hesitantly. He noticed my reluctance and tried to reassure me. "Aw, Stu, don't worry about it! Shockingly, I have a lot of experience with eyeliner. I mean, I grew up a metalhead while my brother was a punk" He chuckled.

He began putting a light pencil marking a bit below my eyes. Not heavy like 2007 Pete Wentz, but more like the white boys people praise on Twitter. After he was done with that, he started styling my hair. He didn't do much to it, just spiked it up a bit more than usual.

His eyes lit up again and it was obvious he had another idea. Just like lightning, he was up and ran to his room.

"Stu, come here!" He yelled from his room. As soon as I walked through the threshold, I was bombarded by clothes on hangers.

"Try 'em on!" He implored me, handing me a leather jacket, a Danzig shirt, and pants that looked like an exact replica of Klaus Hargreeves pants. Without another word, he exited the room, closing the door.

I got the shirt on, but when it came to the pants, I came across a dilemma. You can't wear boxers under them.

"Mudz, these pants aren't supposed to have boxers under them," I laughed.

"Go commando, then!" He said.

It took me a minute to register he wasn't just messing around and he actually wanted me to wear these.  After that short hesitation, I quickly slid off the underwear and replaced them with the pants. I got my toe caught in the many holes a couple of times, but miraculously, I managed to keep my balance. I slipped the jacket on last and walked out the bedroom door. Unfortunately, there was no mirror in sight that I could look in before I left the room.

Murdoc's face was like a dog wagging its tail, but personified.

"Holy shit, Stu you look fucking amazing!" He said as his jaw dropped. I pursed my lips and felt warmth crawl up to my face as he continued to stare, wordlessly. 

After a short eternity, his eyes met mine and he exclaims with an excited clap, "My turn!"

He was zipping around so fast, that it started to give me a headache. He got the makeup, then the hair products, and then sat patiently on the couch like an obedient child, waiting for me.

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