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I once again woke up on Murdoc's couch. I was really starting to like being there. It was finally someone who actually enjoyed my company and I finally felt self-sufficient. This morning, however, I didn't have to wake up super early because I didn't go to school. Which was great.

Especially because Murdoc and I had stayed up super late getting into deep philosophical and hypothetical conversations. We talked about childhood crushes and childhood traumas. It was then that I realized I never really had a friend who would listen to me rather than wait their turn to talk. I felt like I actually mattered to him.

This morning, though, Murdoc came marching out of his room in grey boxers and bunny slippers. These weren't your average cute, pink bunny slippers, though. They were black and had crimson plastic eyes. His bedhead was atrocious, yet it almost looked styled. So imperfectly perfect.

"Alright, kid, we gotta be out of here in about an hour and a half," He announced, before retreating into his room to get ready.

I sleepily stumbled to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee before getting ready, which I finally learned how to use. Once both Murdoc and I were dressed, the coffee was finally ready. We stood in the kitchen drinking out of novelty mugs that looked like he picked them out at a Halloween store to kill time.

"I'll never understand how you can drink it black," I remarked.

"And I'll never understand how you can dilute it like that with sugar and creamer," he shook his head swiftly, showing disgust.

"Milk," I corrected with a grin, as Murdoc didn't have creamer.

"Well, you should have reminded me to pick some up when we were at the grocery store," he retaliated. "After all, I don't drink that shit,"

Once we finished drinking the coffee, we placed the mugs in the sink and left.

When we walked into the store, the little bell on the door chimed.

"Hey! Stu! What are you doing here?" Chris asked smiling ear to ear.

"Nice to see you too, Christopher," Murdoc chuckled, to which Chris rolled his eyes. He disappeared into the tiny office.

"Well, Murdoc said he could get me a job here, which-"

"You're gonna be working here?" Chris enthused.

"That's the plan," I smiled.

"That's so sick, man!" He exclaimed.

Murdoc strutted out with a piece of paper he held over his head.

"Fill this out and I'll give it to Stella and boom, you'll be an employee of Toxicity Records!" he declared. I did so, the application taking me about 20 minutes to fill out, and handed it back to him. He then walked back into that tiny office.

"I'm so excited that we're gonna be working together," Chris gushed. "I mean, you've got such a sick taste in music. I'm so excited for the days you're gonna DJ," he tries to explain nonchalantly.

Murdoc came back out with a huge grin and yelled "You're in! Now you can finally help with rent!"  I knew he was joking, but I still felt bad for not being able to chip in. I laughed an awkward laugh and scratched my head.

"Right then, Stu, follow me, I'll show you what to do," Murdoc instructed.

Murdoc showed me how to work the register, find any records we have in-store, and how to use the speaker when it's my day to DJ. He then instructs me to organize the CDs that were shifted and moved around by customers who don't know how to put things back where they found them.

As the day went by, I noticed Chris's eyes on me more often than not. When I would look up at him and return eye contact, he'd get flustered and look down at whatever was closest.

When I was organizing the blues CDs by artists, Murdoc ruffled my hair and asked me how my first day was going so far

"It's pretty good. There are a lot more hipsters than I expected at a place called Toxicity Records," I commented.

"Yeah, well the digital music industry has really hurt business, but there's always someone wanting an Arctic Monkey's record that swears they're so different for liking the records crackling," he mocked, leaning against the record stand.

The bell on the door rang and I looked up to see a scrawny and tall man, who Chris saw immediately and rushed over to. He looked pretty strung out on something.

"That's his brother," Murdoc explained after seeing the perplexed look on my face. I nodded and observed their interaction. It seemed to cause Chris a lot of stress and ended with what looked like Chris giving him some money from his wallet. His brother's eyes lit up like Christmas and he scattered out the door rapidly.

Today wasn't an official shift, but more so a training day. Murdoc said my first day will be Saturday, so it wouldn't interfere with any more school. It seemed like a fun environment to work in, especially because I really like my coworkers. It's not a big establishment, so I've basically met everyone who I'd be working with. Toxicity pays a smidge more than the other place I interviewed for, and I already have a pretty solid in, so I'm pretty confident in my decision to stick here.

Murdoc wrapped up my "training" and told me I was free to wander around at about 2 pm, but he'd have to stick around here until 4 pm. I looked out the store window to see if there were any food places around where I could grab a bite to eat.

"I know a pretty good Chinese food place around the corner," Chris's voice announced behind me, almost as if he could read my mind. "My lunch is in 8 minutes, I could take you there, if you'd like," He offered. 

"Yeah, sounds good," I nodded. 

"Cool," He smiled.

I noticed Murdoc staring intently once again at Chris and me and for a split second, I wondered if he felt the same way. Of course, I then shot those feelings down, because, I mean, why would he? It's a preposterous notion and I mustn't get my hopes up for something so absurd. Plus, I'm standing right in front of someone who for sure does like me. I send a smile his way and get on with collecting my stuff to head out for lunch. He sends me one back and goes back to work.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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