a champions decree || botw

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he was mad, and she knew it.

[y/n] sat stubbornly in her room, not wanting to sleep. her arm was bandaged and in weary pain. she groaned and sat up from her bed, looking around the darkened room.

it was a silent night, and quite serene really.

she stood up and slipped on her comfy slippers, carefully making her way towards her rooms balcony.
once she opened the glass door, the nights cold wind hit her face instantly. [y/n] slightly shivered, but continued her path.

[y/n] gazed sternly at the moat surrounding hyrule castle, the events of earlier coursing through her mind.

her arm ached and she hissed lightly, shutting her eyes in pain.

a soft knock came at her door (which she thought was quite strange. it was the middle of the night..)

[y/n] sighed and spoke hoarsely.

she already had an idea of who it could be.

" come in..."

the door creaked open, the sound of footsteps coming behind her to a stop. [y/n] huffed silently, and turned. she faced none other than hyrule's champion himself. 

he had such a stern, but worried look in his eyes.

" how are you feeling?.. "

[y/n] looked at him with resentment for a couple of seconds before answering and turning away from him once more.

" better. im surprised you're awake at such an hour. "

link sighed and rubbed his temple, placing a soft hand on [y/n]'s shoulder as he slowly turned her to face him.

" [y/n], what you did was reckless. and i know you're mad at me for scolding you but i could've lost you out there-"

[y/n] scoffed and stepped back from link, allowing his hand to fall to his hide.

" reckless? it was not reckless, link. i was simply doing my duty as a champion of hyrule..and let's not forget that it is to protect hyrule and my comrades. so if you think that stepping to fight a yiga attack on the princess was reckless, then please excuse yourself."

she spoke with such a bitter tone.
link had seen her angry, of course, but never has he heard her speak with such a grave frustration and sourness.

was it truly such a mistake for her to want to do her job correctly?

link's throat was dry, and words fumbled messily out of his mouth.

" no, it was reckless because you set yourself out there alone, [y/n].  you could've called for help-"

[y/n] laughed softly, looking at the ground.
her night gown would softly flow in the winds rapture.

" help?..oh, link..."

[y/n] looked up at link with a forgiving stare, the moons light pointing out every detail of her face.
she was a beautiful woman. divine in every aspect of her personality and physical appearance.

link focused his stare in her eyes, awaiting her next words.

[y/n] walked over to the side of her balcony, setting a hand on the edge.

" we're all going to be alone in the final battle, link. we have to be prepared-"

she stopped abruptly, somewhat stepping closer to him.

" calling to help won't be an option...i have to be prepared to die for hyrule. "

link kept silent. he slowly lifted his hand up to her cheek, his touch warm and welcoming. it was a large contrast to the cold air. he well knew she was right.

[y/n] snuggled into his hand, raising her un-injured hand to rest over his.

her eyes bore into his, an unwitting emotion of compassion and loneliness in both of their gazes.

" it's a decree i have to keep. "

a tight hug sealed the space between them. their bodies heat intermingled and kept them warm. both of them didn't want to let go.

after all, neither of them knew if tomorrow would allow them to embrace each other once more.



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