heartless journey || botw

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warnings: none.


"you're a coward. too terrified to raise your blade against me."

a daunting smirk rested on her lips. her fingers rested on the hilt of her blade, drumming them slowly as she watched a look of horror fall onto the hero's eyes.

a simple laugh erupted from her throat as she watched his mouth move to try and form words.
when she saw he couldn't create a sentence she continued her cruel laughing; leaving the melodious sounds to fade away into the twinkling night sky.

"what? did you truly believe all of what i said? 'oh link, i loveee you! oh link, please, let me heal your arm, oh link!'- haha, please. i would've done anything to gain your trust."

link was too pained to build any words. he was morally wounded. he had been canoodling with the enemy all along. the enemy had been the one he had fallen in love with, the one he showed complete vulnerability to.
after a couple of more seconds of listening to the female's snarky words, the hero managed to find his words.

"i loved you, [y/n]. i still do. it's not too late to change..."

link took a step forward towards the [s/c]-skinned female and reached his hand out. this action only caused [y/n] to pull out her dagger and point it at him. her once taunting expression changed to one of complete seriousness.

link was quick to stop his advancement. another hurt emotion formed in his eyes and he found himself helplessly dropping his hand to his side.

the female spoke again while keeping her dagger up proudly. her voice was laced with a tone of sourness.

"it's too late for that. i'm afraid the only way out of this is by the death of one of us-..."

[y/n] quickly swapped out her small dagger for her sword, pulling it out of its scabbard with slow movement. with ease and no hesitation, the tip was pointed directly at link's chest. she was ready to strike.

link's mouth fell dry. he found his hands shaking as he tried to reach out once more- his voice was now calling out in desperate tones.

"goddesses please, [y/n], it doesn't have to end like this-"

"-but it does. cease your pointless talking. you won't be persuading my thoughts anymore. take out your weapon, link. i want to see if the hero of hyrule is truly everything he's said to be."

link's once vivacious blue eyes dulled down to nothing but the same emptiness he had years ago.
as he stared into [y/n]'s striking [e/c] eyes filled with nothing but burning hatred- he realized everything was truly a façade.
his cheery relationship with her was phony, and so were her feelings.

so then, as he stood in front of what was once the love of his life- his heart broke.
his hands stopped shaking as he reached for the master sword nestled on his back. link pulled it out and swiftly pointed the sword's tip back at her, ready for whatever was to come.

he watched as a teasing grin formed onto her lips again, knowing that she was also prepared to strike him down.

with a final sigh, he searched her eyes once more, finding nothing but those same negative emotions. link shook his head and let out some final, breathless words that would only be released into the cold air.

"so be it. only one of us will see the sun rise tomorrow."


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