reciprocating || botw

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" go after zelda if you truly admire her so much. but don't rely on me anymore. "

three years and he still couldn't find the happiness within himself.

he called himself an idiot, and revali a lucky bastard.

[y/n] [l/n] had wandered into link's life as mysteriously as she had left, endlessly winding up into the arms of the rito champion.

link could only watch as she smiled and laughed, just as she had before with him.

" you're lovely for a hylian.. "

he couldn't be angry at revali, no.

the only person responsible was himself. for always fawning over princess zelda in front of her, for never picking up her subtle hints.

and for never reciprocating her feelings until now.

"i'm in love with you."

[y/n] smiled sadly at him, her [e/c] orbs filling with sympathy. her hand softly squeezed the stem of the daisy, handing it back to him.

" you know i cannot return your feelings. i'm sorry, link."

his blue eyes endlessly wandered in hers, searching for a sign of any excitement or interest. instead, his hopes fell upon deaf ears.

link held the daisy in his hand, his eyes filling with a wanting and love sentiment.

it was something [y/n] had years ago too.

" but, thank you. i'm flattered. "

with that, [y/n] faded from his reach. her heart rested in the hands of another, but his remained in hers for the rest of his days.

perhaps that why it was so painful to look at the daisy's that surrounded his house everyday; despite it being one hundred years later.



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