up and over || tp ❗️

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[a/n: suggestive themes ahead. it's not too bad, but it is overall pretty implicating. read at your own risk!]
"link, we can't keep doing this-"

a heated kiss was pressed to her lips, and his ghastly hands slid up her shirt.
her mind fogged up, and her hair only become more tangled in the stacks of hay.

"what's so wrong with wanting to enjoy my time with my dear best friend since birth?"

before she could ever answer, his hands held her hips in place. purple marks covered her inner thighs and neck as his lips only further explored the wonders of her female body.

her hands tangled into his hair, a string of sighs and gasps escaping her mouth.
it was valid to say that link really knew every nook and cranny there was to [y/n].

the once innocent pair of 4 year olds grew up to 18 and 19, and they had both wonderfully developed.

[y/n] was no longer the small, cute girl- but rather a gorgeous, matured woman.
the little girl hands she had when she was younger disappeared as she desperately gripped the hay surrounding her.


those hands were now of an adult.


the same went for link, who had lost the childish glow in his blue eyes with something more strong as he grew up.

those same blue eyes from before gazed at the woman underneath him, watching as his hands would squeeze and grab whatever he could of her.

it took only a couple of minutes until they were covered with a thin layer of sweat.

rusl would kill them if he found out what they were doing instead of working.
with their clothes scattered all over, the pair laid next to each other.
[y/n] breathed heavily, her chest heaving with every pant. her typically rosy pink cheeks were now ones of a deep red color.

link's hair stuck to his forehead. his eyes were half-lidded, suddenly flickering over to look at the pretty female next to him.

his hand reached out for her waist as he pulled her closer to him. in a matter of seconds, they were pressed together and cuddling.
a blue blanket made of sheep's wool covered their nude forms.

[y/n] was the first to speak up, her voice still hoarse from all of her...vocalization.
"..we've been together all our lives, yet you still refer to me as your 'best friend'."

she looked at him with curiosity, but her [e/c] eyes held another emotion.

"why is that?"
link looked down, pressing his hand against hers as their fingers intertwined. he was tired, but nonetheless he responded with something [y/n] had never expected to hear.
"i'm scared to fall in love with you."
silence surrounded them, and the only sound heard was the cicadas chirp under the hot, summer breeze.

[y/n] suddenly placed her hand up to his cheek, her other hand still strongly intertwined with his.

link only admired her beautiful [e/c} eyes. he had always loved those eyes as a child and he still does now.

she sighed, leaving link to worry about his response. however, she quickly flipped his worry into butterflies when she spoke quietly into his ear.

"don't be."

[a/n: yeehaw that was like the third or second time i've ever wrote something spicy or suggestive :^)
also i'm sorry for the late updates- school has been keeping me on my toes;;}

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