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third person

Luke made his way down the humid hallway, blonde locks beginning to curl and flop around on his forehead from the weather. His pale companion by his side as the only sound heard was their faded, black shoes skidding against the bare tiles. Everyone had left school grounds, as the bell rang nearly fifteen minutes ago, but Luke had insisted Michael assisted him in straightening up his locker.

The two tall boys were now on their way to Luke's house, to Michael's liking. At Luke's there were always cold drinks, air conditioning, and fast wifi waiting for them once they stepped foot inside.

"What's Calum doing today?" Michael interrupted the peaceful silence, looking to the rather lanky guy on his right.

Luke hummed, trying to remember what his other friend had been up to on such a morbidly hot day. "Practice, they've got a game on Thursday." he recalled after a brief moment.

Michael scrunched his nose, "how could someone play sports in this weather? Or any weather, really."

Michael had never been a huge fan of sports, although the spunky teen enjoyed hurling dodgeballs at his peers' faces in PE whenever he had the opportunity. He was quite good too, however there weren't any dodgeball teams, just annual competitions with other students in the district.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "He's always liked sports. I'm convinced the guy was born with cleats on." He chuckled at the thought. "What've you got against sports anyways? They haven't hurt you."

He muttered next to Luke, "Yeah except that time I hit Wendy in the head with a frisbee so she asked all the teachers to make sure she never sat near me." Michael sighed shamefully at the memory, "the tits on that girl, Luke I'm telling you man, she must have had grapefruit in her bra because that is unnatural."

"That didn't hurt you though, you hurt someone else." Luke spoke confusedly, looking down a bit at Michael, having a few inches on him.

"It hurt here, Luke. It hurt me here." Michael joked, placing his hands over his heart with a false look of hurt on his rosy face, making the younger one laugh.

The two continued their long walk down the plain corridors, in no rush. Michael hummed a tune to a song he'd been working on recently, titled 18. Luke, on the other hand, had been wondering about Calum and his love for physical activity. He himself had never partaken in a school sport, just the required PE class. But his tan, fit friend seemed to obtain so much fun and enjoyment out of what Michael considered "child labor". Luke could only imagine what it's like to have cheerleaders clap and squeal every time you score a point, or have medals hanging on your bedroom wall.

He continued thinking about it, and the more he thought, the more he wanted to sign up for a sport as soon as possible. His bright, blue eyes rewarded him when he glanced up and saw a bulletin board hanging beside the gymnasium doors. Luke sped up his pace to skim the colorful flyers, each one practically begging someone to join their clubs and sports.

"Luke, I'm sweating hot and you're making me waste my energy to run to see activities that make me waste more energy? What the hell." Michael complains to Luke as he catches his breath, hunching over his knees.

"Man it was like twenty steps." Luke eyed his red-haired friend oddly, who was now exhausted from the little jogging he did, the humidity not helping any.

"That's twenty steps I could've taken my time with instead of sprinting, douchebag." He grunted, clearly irked at Luke, even more so at his legs and air passages for getting worn out so easily.

Luke rolled his ocean eyes and proceeded to browse, considering each and every one of them before the cotton candy pink one caught his eye.

Track and Field

Luke read at the top in big, bold letters. He felt his friend breathing on his neck before letting out his opinion.

"Track and field? You should go for it dude, with legs like those you could hop over hurtles the size of monster trucks."

Luke felt his chapped, pink lips tug into that of a smirk.

"What?" Michael questioned, noticing the dorky look on his face. Though Luke said nothing and carried on with the mischievous grin and an eyebrow raise.

"What? What's with the face?" Michael tried again, but to no avail.

"Why are you..." He trailed off before giving Luke a look of annoyance, which in turn made the blonde laugh. It had always been amusing to see Michael get irritated, especially if it were at Luke in particular.

He simply shook his head and began making his way to the exit, feeling as if he'd rather feel the sun boil his blood than hear Luke's pleads.

Luke whined as he trailed him, "Michael, but I can't do it by myself! Besides, there's other things instead of just running. I know how much you hate that unless it's after pizza."

"Luke, I suck at everything that isn't throwi-wait was that a fat joke?" Michael huffed and sped up, almost tripping over his feet.

Luke lit up at his words, looking down at the flyer, in which he'd snatched from the board, in his sweaty hands.

"Well, says here there's a throwing event. So now you have to join with me, by default." Luke informed him, in a matter-of-a-factly tone.

The punk rock teen sighed in defeat and nodded reluctantly, therefor causing Luke to beam at him, nearly as much as the Sun's blinding rays.

As Michael pushed the heavy, black door to exit into the fresh air, Luke may have let out a little 'yes!' with a fist bump to the air around him. And Michael may have actually been excited to join track and field.

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