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third person

Michael had his back pressed against the red locker besides Luke's. His shoulders slightly hunched over as he typed away at his phone. The two of them were always early to school. Luke had always told him 'early bird gets the worm!', but the only thing Michael was getting was exhausted. While his stubby thumbs pressed the keys rapidly, he didn't even notice that Luke had been speaking to him before he nudged him with his black shoe.

Michael looked up at him in annoyance, clearly engulfed with his phone. Luke nodded his head to the side, signaling him to look. And there he stood.

Calum Hood.

He pocketed his phone and beelined for him, the fire within him burning brighter than his hair. See, Michael wouldn't mind if Calum had other plans if he had just explained that. But Calum didn't explain nor did he respond to his various messages.

Michael aggressively tapped his shoulder, making Calum spin around from his cluttered locker.

"Oh hey Mike, sorry about the other day. I broke my arm and some fingers." He explained, Michael now noticing the fluorescent green cast with different names littering it. He felt guilty for automatically concluding that Calum was ditching them. But he couldn't reply to his text messages with broken fingers.

Michael's jade eyes widened. "What the hell happened?"

Calum explained that during the jumping trial for track tryouts, he landed on his hand and broke a decent amount of bones. For an athlete, he wasn't the most cautious.

The pale boy apologized for getting upset, which Calum shrugged off, and signed his cast in red sharpie.

fluorescent green? laaame, but feel better :D

Michael put in extra effort with his smiley doodle beside his sloppy handwriting.

Calum chuckled after reading it, "Hey, this could be your next hair color." as he held his cast up to Michael's hair with a sarcastic nod of approval, making Michael laugh gingerly before going back to meet up with Luke. But it seemed as he already scurried off to home room.

The traffic in the hallways really ground Luke's gears. He never understood how people could be so careless with their pace. Did they not realize people had places to be, exams to take, lunch to eat, sports to play?

"Hey Luke." Jay appeared to the right of him, looking up at him. Luke held his breath, not really knowing what to say to the girl. He understood that he hadn't really had a valid reason to be upset with her, but he couldn't control his emotions. It was his own fault he was upset, really. Maybe he should have never altered his view about girls for some chick he just recently stumbled upon. Luke had always had a habit of letting his sentiments determine his words and actions, then immediately feeling the culpability settle in afterwards.

"Uh, hi." Luke choked out. He mentally smacked himself at how stupid he sounded. At this point he didn't even dislike the slow walkers in front of him, he despised them. The more sluggish they are, the longer he's going to have to keep this uncomfortable conversation flowing.

"How's your morning going?" Jay asked him nicely, attempting to create a topic. Luke was inwardly heaving at the typical question.

"Just fine, how's yours?" Luke replied snappily, deciding that he was still angry over the Ashton situation.

"I hardly got any sleep last night, so it kinda sucks." She answered, either not picking up on his attitude or just choosing not to acknowledge it. The truth was she wanted to try with the blonde. Maybe she was over exaggerating the rushed farewell and he hadn't mean to be so abrupt.

Luke had enough of this chat, spitting "Yeah? Go talk to Ashton, I'm sure he'll make it all better, bitch." and glaring at her brown eyes which immediately were filled with hurt, quickly replaced with fury.

"Maybe I will!" Jay raised her voice, gaining some eyes in their direction but she didn't give a damn. Jay sped up and shoved right on through the wall of slow walkers, not sparing a single glance toward Luke.

He felt his anger disappear as he felt the guilt sink in. Luke really wasn't fantastic as communicating his feelings unless they were in song lyrics. He dragged his feet along the floor, feeling heavier with each step taken. He knew better than to refer to a woman as a bitch, especially one he cared for.

Meanwhile Jay had already made her way to Ashton's first period classroom. They still had five minutes until class began, and she could use some Ashton hugs. If Ashton hugs can't fix life's problems, then nothing can.

She beckoned him to stand outside the room, not in the mood to be teased about their friendship by the students in the classroom. Jay explained how snarky and rude Luke was just minutes before. Once she was finished she huffed, as she speaks fairly quick when she's fired up.

"He said that to you? Man, that dick has another thing coming if he thinks it's gonna slide." Ashton said, ashamed of his blue eyed friend for treating a girl like that. And not just any girl; his best friend.

Jay pleaded for him not to say anything, making Ashton dodge making any promises by scooping her up in a hug. She buried her face in his chest and closed her eyes, breathing in the subtle smell of his cologne. Jay felt her feet float off the ground and gasped.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin if you do not put me down this instant I will beat you." She scolded him, her grip around his neck tightening.

His giggle echoed throughout the now empty hallway as he gently brought her back to the ground.

"Get to class, nerd." Ashton teased, ruffling her brown locks and smiling widely, showing off every tooth in his mouth.

His contagious smile couldn't help but make Jay smile in return, and she kept that small, yet genuine smile plastered on her face as she strutted her way to English. Luke being the very last thing on her mind as she stepped foot in the doorway and planted herself in a desk right next to a redheaded dweeb.

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