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third person

"So like, his hand touched yours like a brush or like a nudge?"

Ashton, Jay, and Ashton were sprawled across Jay's overly pink room on their Sunday afternoon. Gossip was being exchanged between them as they snacked on strawberries and sipped on juice boxes. Jay sat in between Ashton's legs, while his face was buried in the crook of her neck, inhaling the flowery scent. The cheerleader's yorkie, Ricky, curled up in Ashley's lap as she spoke from the floor across the room.

"Let me finish! So then he goes 'you're not too bad at this'. Not to be dramatic but I practically shit myself." Enthusiasm dripped out of her voice as she told the events of the arcade with Michael.

"Wow," Jay scoffed, "flirt of the century. Totally enough to make any girl weak in the knees." Ashton nudged her, not wanting to rain on Ashley's parade.

She proceeded to describe how Michael's laugh made butterflies erupt in her stomach and spread like wildfire, yet his mumbled profanities made her womanhood ache despite it being over a loss in pac man.

"Why are you so infatuated with him? He's a decent guy and all but..." Ashton trailed off after noticing the glare she was shooting him. He smiled awkwardly and bit into the strawberry Jay held up for him.

Ashley sighed dramatically and pet the small dog on her legs. "He's really cute." She concluded.

He was pretty cute.

A text tone sounded from underneath Jay's pillows and blankets. The short girl reached for it, her eyes widening as she skimmed across the notification.

"Is that Luke? What did he say?" Ashton interrogated, trying to follow along over her shoulder. She immediately shielded her phone's screen before he could sneak a peek.

Ashley gasped, "What did he say?" Jay groaned and swiped the message away, tossing her phone beside her before picking up another strawberry. Ashton swiped the phone quickly and tossed it to Ashley before Jay could grasp it.

Hey Jay :-) I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie and get lunch with me? It's okay if you can't or don't want to but it would be great if you did! Let me know.

"Oh my god, say yes! Don't leave the poor boy on read!" Ashley tossed the phone back on the fluffy bed.

Jay huffed and leaned further against Ashton's chest. "Maybe I don't wanna."

Ashton let out a silent laugh, trying not to let Jay hear, but to no avail.

"What's so funny?" She scrunched her eyebrows as she sat up to turn and face him. Ashton simply shook his head and straightened his shirt with his big hands.

"Nothing, just that you seem so smitten over him, but yet you refuse to do anything about it. What a child." Ashton smirked, knowing she hated being compared to a little kid.

"Am not! You know, I will go on that date, watch me." Jay protested defensively as she typed away at her phone before meeting Ashton's eye with a smug look. "Who's the child now?"

"Still you, ha, got you to say yes." Ashton winked and stood to stretch.

"Wait, that's not fair!" She whined and reread the message she replied with.

Hi Luke, yeah that sounds fun!! Hit me back with details :)

"Anyways, it's getting late. Right, Ashley? Let's go." He ignored his friend and slipped his shoes back on.

"Stop it!" Jay complained once more as the other two collected their things and fled out the door.

"Great." Jay mumbled to herself, glancing over the message app before locking her phone.

"How rude of me not to say bye." Ashton joked, bursting back in to press a kiss to Jay's head. "See ya." He ruffled her hair and was out the door again.

Jay shoved her face in her pink and white pillow case, clutching her teddy bear to her chest as she prayed she wouldn't have to communicate with Luke whatsoever the next day at school.

She would.

After first period, she sluggishly made her way to her locker, since she had had no sleep last night. The whole night was wasted away with clouded thoughts of Luke swirling around her head. Maybe this whole 'date' thing was a bad idea.

"Hey Jay." Luke greeted, looking quite proud of himself for using his newly discovered rhyme that everyone else simply shrugged off.

Jay mentally cringed, not wanting any interaction with the blue eyed boy when she doesn't know how to feel about him. Sure, he was cute, and funny, and awkward, and hot, and smart, and friendly... Maybe she does know how to feel about him, but denies it.

Despite her conscious screaming to pretend she didn't hear him and walk away, she flashed a smile and gave him a little 'hello!'.

Silence overcame them as Jay grabbed binders from her locker, mentally pleading for Luke to say something.

"So uh, about us going out." Luke started, scratching at his blonde locks uncomfortably. Jay held her breath and prepared herself for the worst. That maybe it was a prank and she embarrassed herself. That maybe it was to see if she had feelings for him and he doesn't feel the same. That maybe a friend took his phone and made a date as a joke while Luke wasn't looking.

"There's a small, very minor detail I forgot to tell you." He took his hand out of his hair and began twiddling his fingers.

Jay shuffled her folders and books faster as she grew more and more anxious from the suspense.

"So my friend Calum may be tagging along. And he may think it's a double date. And he may not even have a date. And I may need your help. Pretty pretty please." Luke let out all in one breath, shutting his eyes and flinching, bracing himself for the worst. He peeked open one of his pretty, ocean eyes when she didn't respond.

"Okay." She kicked her locker shut and walked away, hair swaying side to side with each step she took further from Luke's guilty, aggravated face.

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