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third person

Luke's large hand swallowed Michael's petite one and they swung the two back and forth while making their way down the school hallway. It was half an hour before first period begun but they were early as always. They gained questioning looks from teachers while making their way to Luke's locker. Unfortunately, even though the two were straight, some teachers were still intolerant to homosexuality. Michael never really understood why it was okay for girl best friends to hold hands and embrace one another but not guys. He didn't care though, if it was such a sin to show affection to his male friends, then he'd happily go to hell.

Luke's black vans squeaked against the floor, filling the silence. Mornings were always the worst for Michael, especially on school days. But when he had someone to bare with it alongside him, it wasn't so dreadful on his end. That's why Luke invited him to morning coffee with him every morning. Which in turn made them a bit early to school.

"You wanna check the bulletin board on the way?" Luke broke the peace. The redhead simply nodded and proceeding walking.

They'd been waiting for the results for track and field for a week or so now, and they were beginning to grow impatient.

Finally making their way to the board beside the big gymnasium doors, Luke scanned it while Michael stood behind him waiting. Recognizing the same flyers he scanned every day, a light yellow one looked brand new.

Track and Field

Luke anxiously skimmed through the names.

"Calum made it..." Luke trailed off, sliding his finger down the paper.


"Ashley made it..." He hummed once more.

"Great, am I on there or what?" Michael grew more and more agitated, approaching Luke and peering at the list from over his shoulder.

"Uh...yes. Now where am I? If you made it, I had to of made it too." Luke spoke, boredom evident in his monotone voice. He just wanted to see 'Luke Hemmings' printed in the hideous font between someone else's names. It wasn't alphabetical, it was by which event you were placed in.

"That wasn't very nice." Michael huffed, backing away until Luke was finished. The taller one rolled his bright eyes and continued his search.

Luke clapped. "Ah, there I am. Well everyone made it. That's good news to start your day with, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm thrilled to embarrass myself with my terrible fitness in front of everyone." Michael rolled his eyes. But he hid the small smile on his face. The punk boy needed a way to kill his time. Strumming his guitar and mindlessly harmonizing wasn't going to take him anywhere in life.

While Luke and Michael finally reached their destination, being Luke's overly-tidy locker, Ashton was just entering the school doors.

Ashton had known about the blonde coming to school early, that's why he did the same today. He needed to have a word with him, or rather a long talk. Luke probably wouldn't pay much mind to Ashton's words, but if that's the true case he would beat him so hard that it would be the only thing he would ever care about. Ashton knew he was probably overreacting, but that didn't stop his brother-like instincts from kicking in when Luke hurt his best friend.

So Ashton found himself setting his alarm thirty minutes earlier than his usual six the previous night. Of course he didn't tell Jay, as she'd try and reason with him; but Ashton's protective side didn't reason with anyone.

He felt his fists clench as he stormed through the hall, being unnecessarily aggressive each time his foot made contact with the floor beneath him. Rounding the corner, he saw Luke standing with Michael against his red locker with his blue binder in his grip.

"Hey, g'morning Ashton!" Michael unintentionally yelled, taking notice of his presence. Ashton may be the shortest of the bunch, but his biceps sure were biggest. He was very intimidating despite his liking of High School Musical and his feminine giggle.

"Hiya Ash." Luke chirpily greeted him, making Ashton want to roll his eyes to the back of head. He'd rather stare at the contents of his skull than Luke's dopey face right then.

Ashton stomped over, standing right in front of Luke, making Michael uncomfortably slide to the side.

"Don't 'hiya ash!' me. What the hell is wrong with you, man?" Ashton scolded him, an angry expression taking over his usually smiley face.

Luke confusedly looked into his hazel eyes, not understanding what he did wrong. "What're you on about? I don't think I did anything."

Ashton grabbed Luke's collar and slammed him against his own locker. He heard Michael let out a little gasp from behind him. Luke blue eyes displayed fear as Ashton held him there, glaring into them.

"Then you clearly need to think again." Ashton growled, his hands tightening on the cotton material in his hands. He made a fist and brought it down on Luke, not considering the consequences. In the heat of the moment, it just seemed appropriate. He surely would regret it later.

Michael lightly tugged on Ashton's leather jacket sleeve, making him look down at him annoyedly, but still loosened his hold on the lanky boy.

"Please stop, Ash." He gave Ashton his best puppy dog eyes. Michael knew how he could play everyone with his pureness, and definitely used in to his advantage. That boy loved getting his way; and he hardly had to lift a finger to receive his desires.

Ashton sighed, knowing he'd already gone too far. A part of him willed him to cease holding in his anger, but Ashton knew better than that. He may be indignant currently, but it wasn't the right decision in the long run. Ashton noticed Luke's blue eyes glistening over and felt his heart break in two. How could he hurt his own friend like that? What kind of person was he?

He dropped Luke to the ground, giving him a final look of disappointment. Michael thanked him for sparing his friend before aiding to his hurt eye. He walked away, leave Luke to piece together what he'd done wrong.

Ashton scolded himself as he wiped the small amount of crimson off his knuckles and onto his denim jeans. He mentally beat himself up and paced down the corridor with the image of Luke's teary face burning in his brain.

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