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The whether is sunny,
Birds are chirping.
Its warm and fuzzy
Yet it's-

"Kim Jisun, would you mind paying attention at me?" Ms. Lee shouts from afar as she continued teaching.

She looked forward to her as the teacher kept giving some statistics notes.

This is so boring. She thought to herself. Well, studying wasn't really her first nature.

Poetry was. Or anything artistic that gave her a different point of view than usual people.

The bell rang leaving the class rustled, students scattered here and there.

Some grouped up, some exited the class but she remained at her seat glancing out of the window.

The meadow was beautiful out there, it was a pretty good whether.

She gathered her book and hung her bag by her shoulder and left the class walking with slow footsteps.

She followed down the path which lead her behind the school.

A fence was there covered with lots of leaves and a lonely bench stood there in the middle.

That was her usual place she would come and sit during lunch break or free time.

She couldn't get enough of the surrounding everytime she come over here.

The birds chirped, the trees' leaves sang their song and wind blew with its own speed.

She closed her eyes and felt the peace that was to be found within.

Haphephobia: A Jung Hoseok FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now