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"Hey! Hey! Jisun..Yah~" The voice brought her blurry vision to her eyes, still looking around trying to find the source of voice.

She sits up realizing she was on bed, in her room at Hoseok's dorm.

She looked around for a while, trying to capture the surrounding when her eyes traveled at the clock, 2:23AM.

She felt her back smoking with warm sweat, water running down her face as well.

"Are you okay, Jisun? Do I call doctor or something?" She looks at him.

He rushed to check on her as she was having the nightmare. "I- ugh... I'm not home?"

"No, you aren't. You are at our dorm." Jisun nods at his response. She observe that her self was breathing heavily.

"Jisun..Hey..look at me." He sits beside her on the edge of the bed keeping safe distance.

"I won't ask what was the nightmare about, just know that it was a nightmare. Just a illusion." Jisun blinks a few times and looks at him.

"Now, breath calmly." She lets out a hiccup before catching her breath. "Are you feeling good now?" He asks.

Her mind was suddenly filled with some pretty thoughts. How Hoseok is always by her side since she met him, why is he so nice..

"Hey, you are spacing out."

"Urm...yeah..I-I am fine now.." Blush appears on her cheek due to embarrassment? She observes that he is in his nighty as well. I woke him up, didn't I?

"Sorry, I think.. I woke you."

"What? No no...dont say sorry. I was actually awake.." He smiles. Jisun looks at him and smiles back.

There was an awkward silence of a few seconds. "You should go back to sleep.." He stands up, giving her space.

She hums the response. "Good Night~" Wishing her, he was about to walk out.


He stops at doorstep hearing her light voice.

"Don't go, please...don't leave me alone"

Haphephobia: A Jung Hoseok FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now