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"Does your Dad abuse you?" He asked out of the blues as they sat on one of the bench in the park. She remained silent.

That's where he knew, he caught her off guards. Those old bruises were cause of that.

"Let's go." Hoseok holds her hand lightly and drags her back to the car. "B-But we just came." She said but he ignored her.

She held back her tears. This is it. By the end of the day this was what going to happen.

She sees that they are near her house. But he didn't stopped. They passes by the house. She gets amused and look at her side towards Hoseok.

"u-urm.. We just passed by my home."

"I know." That's all he says. Where are we heading then?

Jisun gives a confusing look to him when they arrived at the boy's dorm. "You will be living with us."

"w-what...no I can't.. M-My Dad won't al-"

"After all this you still care for him? He is your step dad anyway~"

Jisun looks down at the ground. "I-I didn't meant it that way.. I just..."

"No its fine.. You are right. I need to move. But I can't live with you guys..it-it will be weird..."

"what? Are you being serious? okay at one point it's weird to get a girl live in with seven boys, it sounds scary. I know... But-but It's you...we all know you, and the boys are pretty nice."

"i know, that's what I don't deserve all of you." She looks away. "I will live in hotel."

"How dumb can you be? Do you have money for that?"

She knew he was right, she was penniless. "Besides, all the fun will be gone. The rest seemed a lot excited to let you stay in with us?"

"T-They know?"

"Of course.." He laughs, making its sound ring in Jisun's ears. "But I don't have money to pay all of you as well..."

"I'm getting frustrated of your reasons...just-" He holds her hand smoothly and make her walk in the house.

Haphephobia: A Jung Hoseok FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now