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A week flys off, All Hoseok was able to do was get glances of hers around the school campus or maybe in hallways.

In time, all of them knew who was she. But she was still anonymous to them.

"Hey, I'm heading out. I have to give this to the fellow." He says picking up his back pack with the file.

"Give the file or Stalk her?" Yoongi says. The rest of them started laughing out loud.

"Very funny... As if i will see her..." Hoseok rolls his eyes and walks off bidding byes to them.

"Hey, Woojung...Here's the file. Thank you."

"You completed your work?" Woojung asks looking down at the file. "Yes, I did and thanks To you for that."

He felt a slight aura passing by him. He knew, its her. "Hoseok... I am asking something."

"Ah.. Yeah.. Right. What were you saying?" He try to drag his attention to what he was saying but couldnt he kept glancing at her until she exited by entrance.

"Yah! Hoseok!"

He hear Woojung call out for him, but with ignorance he followed her. "Geez ... Where did she go?"

He looks around to see her nowhere.

That was until her heard a cute voice coming from behind. "Awh~ You are so fluffy."

He smiles looking at her who kneeled down against a rabbit which probably came from bushes behind the school.

She is beautiful. I knew it since the start. He looks at her and kept staring until-


Haphephobia: A Jung Hoseok FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now