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"So, for the Thanks Giving event.. Respective tasks are distributed, right?"

"Yes!" The class replies. "Contact your other partner accordingly. We want all set a week before the event."

Hoseok looks down at his notebook where it was written, flyer making task.

The flyer designs were given, all the duo have to do was digitalize it and print.

After the class was over, Hoseok walks up to Jisun's class expecting her to walk out soon.

But his eyes travelled to the most desired figure who was sitting at the very last desk looking out of the window.

The light coming inside was reflecting over her face making her look beautiful, she swiftly moved and looked down at her notebook scribbling or writing something.

With silent footsteps, he walks up to her. And peeks in her notebook from behind which was none other than the diary she dropped that day.

"Woah~ I didn't knew you were into poetry!?" Hoseok's loud voice made Jisun almost trip off from her seat.


"Okay okay.. I will pretend I didn't saw that. Even Yoongi write lyrics like that."

Jisun nods and asks, "What do you want?" She started packing her bag knowing that it was already lunch break.

"Well, I was here to ask you about the project.. I mean the flyer thing.. You know right?"

Jisun nods. "So, maybe you can come over at my house?" Hoseok mentions.

That's where her insecurity kicked in. Someone else's house. What if there's someone as bad as Dad?

Her thoughts got negative. "I-I can't.."

"Aigoo, why? It will be fun. Believe me. I do live with six other guys like me. More like crackheads..." Hoseok chuckles.

Fun? That's what Jisun never knew what's it. But his words made her thoughts more clearer.

"Okay.." She mumbled under her breath.

"Great then! Here.. This is the address. Since, tomorrow is weekend its Fine right?"

Jisun nods and looks down at the piece of paper he gave. "Thank you."

AWWHH~ She is so so soft! He kept fanboying in his mind, getting all excited for having her at the Dorm.

Haphephobia: A Jung Hoseok FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now