flowers blooming

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the brothers continued their journey, Hilda now added to the party 

walking to where the frog brothers worked/wrestled

 through the window they could see that everything was normal, tables and chairs destroyed and sweat covering the ground

they looked through the window because Hilda didn't want to be seen

so they moved on to where Cagney's garden  

only they couldn't see him 

"Cagney?" asked mugman as he went closer to his favourite tree, which is where he usually planted 

as they walked over they only saw cagney's minions, some giggling and some trying to get on the other side of the tree, which was barricaded in a thorn-like fortress

one of the purple flower minions saw the three approaching and went up to them  

"hi little guy, do you know where Cagney is?" asked cuphead gently, though he had a pretty idea of where he was 

the purple flower nodded and pointed towards the thorn bush

"ok, thanks," mugman said as and the others walked towards the fortress 

"Cagney ?" Hilda asked eagerly, wanting to know what he looked like..and very eager to be the one laughing 

there was silence until a very loud voice shouted 

" GO THE HELL AWAY" was obviously cagney's, only a little less raspy and more childlike, just like how Hilda's became 

"Cagney come out, we know what happened," said cuphead calmly, giving himself a sense of da sha Vu) 

only that there wasn't the same silence like before, instead the noise and sight roots starting to sprout from underneath the brothers holding them by their feet 

"that's it!" shouted Hilda as she directed her cloud into the air just before the vine could reach her


she might have de-aged, but her aggressiveness defiantly remained 

mugman and cuphead were dropped head first, causing some of their liquid to spill  

and the bush opened 

revealing a little orange petaled annoyed flower with its tiny leaves like arms folded and a cute rosy-cheeked pouty face 

the three of them just stood in silence until the echoes of 

" AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" came from their mouths

which Cagney reacted with throwing his body against cupheads and trying to punch him, though Hilda was able to hold him back by his thin stem 

" SAY AW ONE MORE TIME I DARE YOU" he screamed trying to get out of holds hands 

"sorry, Cagney couldn't help it" cuphead said defensively raising his arms in surrender

Cagney then settled down and looked up to Hilda, holding in a laugh 

" what?" asked/demanded Hilda 

"Nothing, I just forgot what you looked like as a kid" Cagney laughed  

Hilda humphed and dropped the tiny flower onto the floor 

"well, we better get a pot to put him in," Hilda said with a smirk, wanting to make matters worse for small flower 

" WHAT" yelled Cagney as he tried to back away from the three 

"not a bad idea Hilda" said mugman, not getting the irony from what she said 

"wait seriously," Cagney asked as he tried to get up only to fall back on the ground, his root-like legs were not developed just yet

this caused mugman to AW again and Cagney to give him a very dirty glare

if looks could kill, everyone on inkwell would be dead in a blink

cuphead found a pot near the entrance of cagney's garden and with a lot of struggle put the now tiny carnation in and gave it to Hilda who wanted to make Cagney more flustered

which worked as his petals closed into his face, trying to hide his supposedly red face 

"This reminds me when we were actual kids" laughed Hilda 

"SHUT UP" shouted Cagney 

"well we better get going," said mugman, trying to change the subject 

"let's go then, will you be ok holding Cagney Hilda" asked cuphead 

since the brothers weren't sure if Hilda could stand, they didn't know if she could hold anything either 

"I'm sure, let's just get going," Hilda said a little annoyedly 

"ok, just say anything if you want us to hold him," said mugman sweetly 

"don't I get a say in this" asked/demanded Cagney 

"no," said Hilda as she commanded her cloud to move 

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