honesty is the best policy

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all 4 figures were ready to get back on their journey, making their way to the next Isle

only for an old worried but stern voice made them stop in their tracks 


it was elder kettle..and he did not look happy 

"guys get behind me" whispered cuphead to Cagney and Hilda as elder kettle came closer

eventually elder kettle caught up, breathing heavily and folding his arms he asked

"what in inkwell hell have you two been up to?"

"what...what suggests that we have done anything"cuphead laughed/asked sheepishly 

"miss chalice just came to my door when I found your note and asked if you two boys had taken a bottle from pork rinds" elder kettle continued sternly 

"well..uh..you see" mugman tried to explain only to be interrupted by a sneeze from behind him 

making elder kettle gently push mugman to the side, revealing a little girl with pigtails on a cloud holding a little orange and yellow flower 

there was silence until elder kettle just sighed 

"I'm so sorry elder kettle we should have told you but CUPHEAD-" mugman tried to apologize and give cuphead a stern glare, only to result in cuphead shouting 

"OH DON'T YOU DARE TRY AND THROW ME UNDER THE BUS"cuphead interrupted angrily 

"BUT IT WAS YOUR IDEA" shouted mugman pointing his finger at cuphead 

 "YOUR THE ONE WHO AGREED TO IT" shouted cuphead returning the gesture 

"ENOUGH" yelled elder kettle as he yanked the brother's handles, causing them to stop 

"Now, I don't care whose fault it is but you're the cups that are going to take care of them" continued elder kettle as he looked at the new babies, they were holding each other very closely showing they were quite scared 

"now...are they the only ones that are victims to your troublesome pranking," asked elder kettle as letting go of the brother handles 

"We...are not sure," said mugman truthfully 

elder kettle sighed and then said 

"Okay, I am going to take Cagney and Hilda to the house and take care of them until you get back with the possible others," said elder kettle as he took Cagney from Hilda's grip  

"then, from then on it's your responsibility" he continued as he began walking back to the house 

though Hilda and Cagney did not like being treated like children they thought it be better to be with elder kettle than the cup brothers

"elder kettle...we're very sorry" they both said 

there was a short silence until elder kettle faced the brothers 

"I know you are but the damage is done, I am not angry but disappointed" he continued sadly 

cuphead and mugman both lowered their heads in his disappointment 

"sorry elder kettle" they apologized again 

"it's okay boys, I'll see you at home" elder kettle said with a very tiny smile 

once he was out of eye view cuphead joyfully said 

"Okay, now to the next aisle" as he skipped towards the opening of the next island 

"wait, were you just pretending to be sad?!" mugman asked sternly as he ran to catch up to his brother 

"yep, I get in trouble all the time, it isn't very new to me" explained cuphead happily 

and with that cuphead ran towards Baroness von bonbons castle 

"UGH" mugman groaned as he ran off to catch his brother up AGAIN 

the biggest prank in Inkwell historyWhere stories live. Discover now