the sudden end of every episodic show

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it took some time before everyone came back with regained breath and shopping to give the cup brothers 

as soon as the plastic bags left their grasps they full-on legged it back home 

some civilians shouting 

"good luck" and "you're on your own now" 

it wasn't long till everyone had left, many still could be seen, but that was because many were grumbling to themselves about their wet states  

"golly mugman, what on earth happened" asked miss chalice as she floated to the said cup, holding a very tired spectre

"Cala threw a tantrum because she didn't have enough room to swim in and well, you saw what happened" explained mugman as he pointed down to the said mermaid, who was looking at them, trying to look as cute and innocent as possible 

"well, nothing we can do about that now, we need to fix this place up before elder kettle gets back," said cuphead as he moved to roll up his sleeves, before realising he had a sleeping little dice still on his shoulders and sleeping Werner in his arms 

yeah, but first we need to get these guys to bed" mugman indicated to his arms 

throughout the drama, he was handed (very rapidly) the unconscious bodies of Hilda and Cagney

"oh yeah, the beds still dry mugs ?" cuphead asked

"Yeah, it's only downstairs that's flooded" mugman admitted sheepishly 

"ok then" cuphead smiled as he headed upstairs 

one by one was the children placed onto the bed (Cala being placed into the downstairs bathtub once again, as little water as possible and Cagney placed onto a windowsill with the best sunlight) all were given their special plushies and blankets (spectres being made of special material so it wouldn't phase through)

Cagney's head was drooped so all his petal-like hair covered his face, Hilda and dice were laughing in their sleep, spectre had burrito-ed himself into his blanket, Werner chewing on his plushies like a block of cheese and Cala was hugging her (luckily waterproof) plush to death 

"ok we need to get this on camera" laughed cuphead  as he tried fishing out his phone 

"We better enjoy the peace while it still lasts" mugman thought, as he gave out a sigh 

only the peace never came, 

taking care of children was nothing mugman nor cuphead could ever possibly be prepared for 

and for once, it seemed that the shoe was on the other foot, as their actions had turned the pranksters into the prankstee's 


the biggest prank in Inkwell historyWhere stories live. Discover now