Chapter 2

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The sun shines bright into Connors eyes as he lies on the bed, facing straight up.

He wasn't even under the covers, he had lied on the bed and shut down.

He sat up on the edge of his bed and stood to his feet, walking over to the bathroom that's attached to the room.

He fixes his tie and straightens his suit, making himself look presentable.

A sudden scent of bacon and eggs hit him like a bag of bricks.

He exits his room and walks towards the kitchen, where you were already cooking up breakfast.

His footsteps were heavy, causing you to look over the shoulder, glancing at him.

"Good morning sunshine, sleep well?" You ask as you place the cooked bacon onto a plate, beside your scrambled eggs.

"Androids don't sleep, but I suppose I had a good shut down," Connor replies as you giggle cutely.

Something inside of Connor flips upside down, as if his stomach was turning.

"I guess you're right. I'm guessing androids don't eat either?" You ask with a content smile.

"Some do and some don't," Connor says as he sits down in one of your kitchen chairs.

"Well you are going to be that 'some' today," you say as you place a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.

You sit down in front of him, preparing to eat as well.

You grab the silverware you had already set out and began to eat your breakfast.

Connor was hesitant at first, but followed your actions of cutting the eggs and taking a bite into his mouth.

His eyes lit up almost immediately.

"Wow! I wasn't aware that androids could even taste, let alone taste something so delicious!" Connor exclaims as he puts another bite in his mouth.

"Wait a minute... so you haven't had ice cream?!" You almost scream.

Connor shakes his head as he breaks his bacon apart.

"Oh we're fixing that!! After interrogation today I'm taking you to the best ice cream parlor ever!!" You say as you bite into your bacon as well.

Connor thought about it for a moment, the idea of protesting against your idea passed his mind only for a moment, before remembering how good food is.

"Very well, if thats what you wish Miss Anderson," Connor says as he takes another bite.

"When we're alone Connor, you know you can call me Y/n, right?" You ask as you stand from your seat, cleaning out your empty plate.

Connor nods and agrees.

"Alright Y/n," Connor replies with a smile.

You grin as you wash your plate.

Unbeknownst to you, Conor had stood from his seat and was walking towards you.

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