Chapter 11

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You and Connor sat in he car by the play ground you and Cole always used to play at.

Hank was sitting on a bench a little ways from you, but you didn't mind.

He comes here a lot to clear his mind. You usually just left him alone, but today was different.

Connor had exited the car, you following his actions.

You and him hold hands briefly before coming up behind Hank, who sat on a red, snow freckled bench.

You and Connor stood there for a moment, releasing each other's hands before saying anything.

"Nice view huh?" Hank asks as he motions towards the dark, night sky.

It was the Michigan state bridge all lit up, and skyscrapers in the background also lit.

"I used to come here a lot before..." Hank says, talking more to Connor than to you.

Hank takes several gulps of the beer bottle he held in his hand.

Connor glances at you, then at Hank.

"Before what?" Connor asks as Hank hums in confusion.

"You said, "I used to come here a lot before..". Before what?" Connor asks as he leans towards Hank, waiting for his answer.

Hank sighs as you gulp slightly.

"Before.... before nothing," Hank replies coldly as he takes another swing of beer.

Connor nods understandingly.

"May I ask you a personal question lieutenant?" Connor asks as he crosses his arms.

"Why are you so determined to kill yourself?" Connor asks bluntly.

You turn towards Hank, to also hear his answer.

"Some things I just can't forget. Whatever I do they're always there. Eating away at me... I don't have the guts to pull the trigger, so I kill myself a little everyday. That's probably difficult for you to understand huh Connor? Nothing very rational about it..." Hank finishes his little speech.

And for once, you were speechless.

You didn't know how he felt about Coles death, but now you do..

As you stood there still stunned, Connor walked forwards onto the empty road, changing the subject.

"We're not making any progress ok this investigation. The deviants have nothing in common..." Connor says as he moves his hands.

He turns back towards you and Hank.

"Besides the obsession with RA9," you speak up, but not too loud, afraid your voice might crack.

You walk around he bench and sit next to your father, tryin got ignore the strong scent of alcohol coming from him.

"Agreed, it's almost as if it's some kind of... myth," Connor says as he looks up in thought.

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