Chapter 3

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You and Connor hop into the car and take off towards your favorite ice cream shop.

You've been there too many times to count.

Your excitement was building up. Why? You weren't sure, but you were just happy.

Once you find a parking space, you whip the car into it and waste no time to jump out.

Connor was slow, too slow for your liking. You walk over to the other side of the car and grab his hand, yanking him towards the small town ice cream parlor.

"Come on slow poke!! I thought androids were supposed to be faster than humans," You tease as you stick your tongue out at Connor.

He only laughs, "I'm coming."

Once you make it to the doors, you swing them open wide, allowing the scent of pure sugar to cloud your sense of smell.

Your eyes were glistening with wonder. You haven't been here since you were 16.

As Connor enters behind you, his eyes widen slightly.

Small children ran around with dried chocolate around their mouths as their parents exhaustedly tries to catch them.

It was very crowded.

"Oh, there is a lot of people here. Should we come another time-," "No way Mr. Roboto! What... are you scared?" You test Connor as you put your hands behind your back.

Connor raises an amused brow.

"Oh..You think I am scared?" Connor asks with a smirk.

"Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. I don't know," You tease as you shrug, making your way towards the front of the shop.

"Hi! I would like a (ice cream flavor) in a waffle cone. Hey Connor, what do you want?" You say over your shoulder waiting for his answer.

Suddenly, you felt his chest come against your back, making you blush at the closeness.

"I'll take the same thing," he whispers in your right ear, making you shiver.

Where the hell did this come from?!

He's pulling that same thing he did at breakfast this morning, oh that sly son of a bitc-

"He wants the same thing please," You say before anything became too obvious.

You turn around and playfully glare at Connor, gaining a small chuckle from him.

"Can androids even eat? I don't think they should be able to," the ice cream man in front of you says, mumbling the last part.

You put a hand on the counter and whisper-yell, "I didn't ask for your opinion, I asked for 2 (ice cream flavor) ice cream cones."

You sent a death glare at the younger male. "R-right away," his voice cracking in the middle of the sentence.

He quickly gets the cones and holds them out to you. You reach for your purse when Connor suddenly spoke up.

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