Chapter 1

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The wet concrete steams from the humidity outside...

The silhouette flips the coin in the air, then landing it back in the palm of his hand.

He repeats the action twice before shoving the coin in his pocket.

He tightens his tie and adjusts his suit coat, which reads RK800.

Then, he walks towards the building that reads 'Jimmy's Bar'.

He acknowledges the no pet sign... but ignored the 'No Androids Allowed' sign right underneath it.

He pushes the door open, the bell above the door ringing.

His short, wet, brunette hair fell in his face slightly as all the humans at the bar turn their heads towards him.

He ignores the dirty looks and comments as he searches the bar, looking for someone in particular.

"Hey! Can't you read?! The sign says 'No Androids Allowed!!' Who the f*ck do you think you are?" The bartender yells at him.

He ignores and keeps looking for the person until he sees another man sitting at the bar.

'I have not scanned him yet,' he thought as he walked up behind the man.

He quickly scans him and realizes, this was the guy.

"Lieutenant Anderson," the android says, gaining the attention of the older man.

His shaggy hair was grey and his blue eyes were dull as he glances over his shoulder, looking at who had said his name.

"I am Connor. I am the android sent by Cyberlife. I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were. They said you were probably having a drink nearby. I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar," Connor says to the older man, sitting at the bar.

"What do you want," The man asks and takes another swig of his alcoholic drink.

"You were assigned a case earlier this evening, a homicide, involving a Cyberlife android. In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators," Connor said while leaning forwards towards the detective.

"Well, I don't need any assistance, especially not a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good lil' robot and get the f*ck outta here," the man replies.

Connor just looks at him, trying to capture every detail of the man.

He was rather aged and tired, the alcohol not helping either of his situations.

"I understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of an android but I am-," "I am perfectly comfortable!" Hank cuts off Connor as he holds up his glass of bitter drink slightly.

"Now back off before I crush you like an empty beer can," Hank threatens as he glares at the android.

Connor knew it was an empty threat, so he continued.

"I'm sorry Lieutenant, but I must insist. My instructions stipulate that I must accompany you," Connor says, persistently.

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