Chapter 7

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As you walked home that night, you were thinking about your job. All of your android friends had gone deviant.

'What if I'm on the wrong side?' You ask yourself as you finally make it back to Hanks house.

You walked up the few steps and to the door. Looking up front the door, you noticed there was a bit of smeared blood still on the door.

The memory immediately played in your head. You sighed of relief, knowing Markus was alive and well.

You put your fist up to knock but stopped yourself. Knowing Connor, he was probably sitting of the couch with all of the lights off waiting for you to get back. By that time it was 5:00am.

'Hopefully Connor will be asleep... he's an android, androids don't sleep!!' You argue back and forth with yourself until you get a plan.

You see the old tree you used to climb up when you were little, sometimes you would sneak out and use the tree as a latter.

You smirked as you climbed up the semi-dead tree. Memories of your childhood flashed through your mind as you start climbing the old tree. You remember you got your first big scar on that tree.

Flash back:

You sat in the tree you planted a few months ago, finishing your push up popsicle.

Until you see your 11 month old brother with a worm in his closed fist. You, being the responsible 4 year old, immediately took charge.

"Hey bubby can you put that down for me? I don't want you eating OW!"

You say as you slip from the newer tree. You quickly stand from the ground, but your leg has a stinging sensation.

Nothing like what you've experienced before. But being the stubborn girl you are, you shook it off and ran to Cole.

"No, we don't eat worms," you say as you free the tiny worm from the infants grasp.

You pick him up and take him inside, where he can't try to eat inedible things. As you set him down, you see a stream of blood running down your leg.

You quickly yelled for Hank, who grabbed a 'Doc McStuffings' band aid faster than you can say Sumo.

He cleaned up your scratch and put the band aid on. You stood proudly in front of your father, proud that you didn't cry. He smiled at you and kissed the top of your head.

"You're a fighter kid. Just like your mother," Hank said as he hugs you. You smile at the warm embrace your father gives you. 

Real time:

You smile at the fond memory as you continue climbing the old tree.

When you finally reach the top, you silently open the window to your old room and slip in.

You closed the window behind you ever so silently and plopped down on your old bed.

Looking around the room, you saw all the posters you hung up when you were a teen.

You looked at your old toys and pictures you and Cole drew as you were little. Then you come across a family picture on the bedside table.

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