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A movement in the corner of my eye made me turn my head. Amelia sat beside me and yawned, signaling she was awake. I chuckled at her raven black hair which was all over the place, yet she still managed to look beautiful. Humans sleep a very long time and it really surprised me since that I don't sleep myself. I smiled at her and raised my eyebrows. "Good morning sleepyhead."

"We must have fallen asleep on the couch." She said yawning again while I gave her a death stare. She quickly realized and facepalmed. "I must've fallen asleep on the couch. That must've been awkward, me being passed out while you have been awake this whole time." She said laughing.

"Not really, more surprising I think. I didn't know that you guys sleep this dang long."

She giggled at my statement. "I guess I was really tired."

We stayed up until merely 1 in the morning playing something on the television called video games and that's probably why she stayed crashed out for a while. I was really hungry and I wanted to go to the store but I didn't want to bug her, but it really bothered me. "Can we go to the store alreadyyy." I said groaning.

"Relax, we'll go later." She said turning on the television and pulling the blankets up to her face.

"But I want to go now." I said crossed my arms.

"Michael no."



"Yes!" I said jumping out of my seat and stomping my feet all the way upstairs like a toddler. I turned my head back to see her looking at me weirdly. I realized how pathetic I might have looked but I couldn't go back downstairs because I was scared of what she would say. I am a very shy person but I can also be grumpy sometimes, and those two emotions make it hard to communicate.

The truth is, I didn't know how to talk to her. I wasn't used to being complimented or being talked to normally. I wasn't used to staying in a house with a room and a bed, and doing normal human things.

I also couldn't explain the way I felt for her, I tried to give affection but every time I did I would end up pushing her away. See, this is why nobody likes me!

It had been almost an hour since Michaels sudden outburst and I was playing scenes in my head, trying to figure out how to approach him. I felt bad for him, considering I couldn't get him everything he needed in that moment and give him his old life back.
He wasn't used to this life and I get that, but he had just apologized the day before! So why was he being so mean? Talk about that time of the month.

I sighed and knocked on his door, I tried to twist the doorknob but it was locked. I knocked a few more times but I didn't get a response so I went back downstairs and watched television until my parents woke up.

When they did I told them about going to the store and I agreed to spend my own money on the milk, considering I needed a lot of it. I decided to also get ice cream and other dairy products and it made me laugh, because this was all the stuff people with lactose intolerance couldn't eat.

Though he was mean to me in the morning, I thought he still deserved this so I did it anyways.

Once I got back from the store I put all of the bags of milk on the counter and sighed in relief after carrying all of the weight. I heard little footsteps behind me followed by Michael with the saddest look on his face.

"Awww." He stood there with furrowed eyebrows and his arms crossed. "You, you did this for me?" He asked opening the bags and taking out some of the milk in surprise.

I simply nodded and sighed loudly, purposely because he was mean to me earlier that morning.

"Look," He said turning my chin to face him. "I'm sorry, and I don't deserve anything you got for me. I shouldn't have got a bad attitude at you but Amelia, you're the nicest sweetest girl, heck, human being I ever met. I never thought I would meet anyone this courageous on earth until I met you. I'm so ungrateful."

I found myself tearing up, despite trying to hold the strong mean look on my face and my arms crossed it didn't work. I ran over to Michael and embraced him in a hug.

"You don't have to apologize, I know it's hard for you, switching lives so quickly and you're probably homesick, I would be too." I smiled and handed him the bags, which he picked up without trying. "Wow, you're strong, see I told you this would help."


I understood it now, this was a person I wanted in my life. Nobody had ever done anything for me like she did, bringing me into their home when I had no place to stay, providing me food to eat.

But most importantly, accepting me for who I am when everyone else judged me. This girl made me feel like I could be anything I wanted to be. I felt like I didn't have to hide my feelings behind aggression anymore, I could finally tell her that I love her.

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