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Have you ever been told that you're messing the house? Most likely. I'm in a fabulous house, now, with a man I don't even know and his house is extravagant, beautifully decorated and that's fine with me. I love homes that give off the aura of a home that is well cared for since centuries.

So today is the first day he is torturing me. I don't think this is even torture it's more like someone's killing you if they're throwing knives at you and you're hoping that they're not aiming for your heart but that's not the worst part. The worst part is when you're bleeding and crying and he sends you to your "room" and then he tells you you're messing the house even though he's the one who just hurt you. I know some people out there can't relate but this is a daily occurrence for me. I miss the family that would cry over a cut and have a party over a restored broken leg. I sigh as I walk up the stairs to my room. The room I have in this house is one of the best rooms. He hasn't deprived me of that, at least.

I think he's broken me even though it hasn't been long I mean I'm only fifteen. What did I do to deserve this? Anyways I'm making my way up the stairs, I get into my room and I have a bath, clean my wounds and then I go to clean my tracks or should I say my bloody tracks. I chuckle slightly to myself and continue cleaning. My knees are on the wooden floor and my hands mimicking them. How long do I have to stay like this, will this be how my life will end? After that thought creeps into my mind I start crying showing more weakness than I need to. If I show this slight weakness then my whole world will come crumbling down like this house. Right now this house is creaking and aching from its fight to keep upright but the day it tumbles and falls it brings everyone else in the home with it. I fear I relate to this house more than I have ever related to anyone before.

After a whole year of this torture passes, I am now sixteen and well I don't feel anything anymore, physically or emotionally. I've learnt how to fight but thankfully he has never asked me to ever kill someone. I've literally given up hope on leaving this place. I never tried or try to escape. No one knows I'm in danger so no one is looking for me so I'm sure I'm stuck in this home that will one day be the death of me. Death of me, in the sense that I won't be the person I used to be. I will be a shadow of my former self living in a monster's body. I am, now, sitting in the living room watching T.V as he enters.

"Hey I have to leave for a week, for a meeting with another gang and maybe just maybe they'll make me a deal and I'll be rid of the biggest burden in my life and if I'm not being clear it's you," he says flatly, staring at me in disgust and anger for the choices he made. "Good. I hope it works out, "I say with a straight face as I stare at the T.V but I soon feel the burning sensation on my cheek but I don't react. I don't flinch and I don't cry and I definitely don't glare. "How dare you say that!" he says angrily as he walks off in annoyance and frustration. Though I knew that was coming cause no matter what I say I'm always in trouble. If I do something right they will still find something I did wrong so they can punish me for that small thing over all the good things I've ever done in that one mission.

The next day, I watch as he grabs his bags and rushes towards where I stand at the door. "I'm leaving one of my friends with you and he'll continue your training," he says flatly, grinning as he can obviously sense my tension. In other words torture. "Okay," I say flatly. The only word that will most likely not get me into trouble unless I'm being asked a question that requires another word as a response. Would you believe that the one day I asked him to get me pads, he slapped me? I was shocked again when he asked me, 'why I'm bleeding when he didn't hurt me?' like an idiot. He knows nothing about women because women aren't really allowed in his gang. The only reason I'm here is because he wants to ruin me and make money off me when he sells me to some man that is willing to buy me as his wife.

Anyways I didn't see this as a chance to escape cause I knew exactly who was coming and how weak I am in comparison to his strong frame. "Hey girl, get to cleaning. Your training will be later, maybe," the man says in a bored tone. He most likely won't train me because he doesn't care but if I show a sign of weakness then he will. A sign of weakness can be anything from crying to breaking something in the house by accident.

I make my way to the room of the man who kidnapped me so I can clean his room thoroughly. I, then, see a phone and for the first time in a long time, I feel hopeful. I grab the phone and dial 911. I desperately wait for someone to answer but as I was about to respond his friend comes in and the worst thing happens, I shiver from the cold. I immediately want to cry but I know that would make the torture worse.

He grabs me and pulls me to the torture chamber. I am not too worried after he starts cause he is useless but I still feel the slight pain of the knives. When I hear the police sirens I want to jump for joy but I know I could still be hidden. The man's eyes widen and he looks at me and I am terrified. He leaves me there and goes upstairs. I am worried that I might lose my chance of escape but I couldn't think straight as my blood was seeping out of me onto the cold hard floor. My body decides to take the same route as my blood and I fall to the ground.

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